13. Truth or dare

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Dedicated to @RudeAwakening for commenting :) thanks! x

Later, in the evening, we gathered in the games room, playing a few games of table football. Niall was currently playing against Liam, while Zayn was shouting words of encouragement from the sidelines.

Niall’s face grew more angry, frustrated and determined throughout the course of the game, as Liam scored more and more goals against the blonde. After the final goal was scored, Niall walked away from the table, head hung in self pity, as Liam hi-fived Zayn and they shared a victory hug.

“Come on then, curly. You’re up,” Zayn called, positioning himself at one side of the table. I moved to stand opposite him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Louis look hesitantly at Niall. He then turned to look at me and I gave a smile and subtle nod of encouragement. Louis smiled at me then beckoned Niall over to one, partially secluded, corner of the room.

Even though Louis hadn’t spoken to me properly since he ran out of his room away from me this morning, I knew he still felt bad about what he said to Niall yesterday. He knew he needed to apologise.

My attention to my game of table football was diverted as I continued to shoot glances over to Louis and Niall, watching how their conversation developed. Eventually, after a few minutes, I saw Niall smile and they both pulled each other into a friendly hug, causing me to smile.

Zayn ended up beating me by more than I would like to admit. I blamed Louis; he was distracting me, even if it wasn’t on purpose.

“So you made up with Niall?” I asked Louis as I walked away from the game and sat down next to him on his beanbag so we were squished together, side by side.

“Yeah,” he smiled, which, in turn, caused me to smile. “He understands now and I promised I wouldn’t react like that again and I would try to get along with Jordan.”

“Good,” I nuzzled my head into his neck and he giggled.

“Come on,” he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room to his, leaving the other boys behind.

I lay down next to Louis on his bed; our backs to the comfy duvet, looking up to the ceiling. The room was silent except for the sound of out breathing. That was, until Louis spoke up.

“We should play a game, like truth or dare. Y’know, bonding time.” He suggested.

“Bonding time? Haven’t we bonded enough?” I asked, mocking his choice of words. Louis just shrugged. “And truth or dare, really? Are we some teenage girls?” I smirked; it was fun to tease him.

“If you don’t want to play it, that’s fine – just say.” He huffed, becoming frustrated.

“No, it’s fine,” I reassured him. He gave me a sceptical look. “I wanna play,” I whined, causing a smile to work its way onto his face.

“Good,” he said, smirking in triumph. “You chose first, Truth or Dare?”

“Um, dare,” I responded, I wasn’t going to wimp out.

“Ok, so…” he thought for a moment. “I dare you to go into the games room, where the other lads are, put your hands down your pants, or look down there. Then say something along the lines of,” he put on a high pitched scream “‘Oh my god, where did it go?’” he explained with a cheeky smile.

“So I’m going to pretend that I’ve lost my penis?” I confirmed bluntly.

“Yep,” he smirked, gesturing for me to get up and get on with it. I sighed, picking myself up from the bed and walking down the hallway to the games room. Louis followed me, staying in earshot yet out of sight from the other boys who were sitting on beanbags, playing some game on the Xbox.

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