39. Mending Things Broken

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After that, we had taken Louis home. Him and I were sitting cuddled on the sofa, watching a movie; love actually to be specific.

"I love you," I muttered, kissing his cheek as he was sitting across my lap. It was probably the hundredth time I had told him that today, but I wanted him to know it. After what had happened, that was the one thing I needed him to know.

Louis chuckled, turning his head to peck my lips quickly. I blushed a little, "sorry if you're getting tired of hearing that, I just want you to know..." I said sheepishly.

Louis shook his head in disbelief. "As if I would ever get tired of hearing you say that you love me," he said smiling stupidly at me. "That's all I've wanted to hear since the accident," he explained as he snuggled his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around my torso tightly and keeping me close, so that I could never leave, even if I had wanted to.

"But I have said that before today," I pointed out, my eyebrows furrowed a little.

Louis just shrugged. "I know, but I never knew if it was real; what you felt for me. Or if it was just your brain thinking that you should feel like that because of what you had found out." He said, his gaze not moving from his legs, which were resting over mine. "That was another of the reasons I didn't want to tell you everything straight away," he sighed.

I bit my lips nervously. Of course, even if I could remember my previous life, the time after I had come out of the coma and couldn't remember any of the lads was still a sensitive subject.

"But you've told me everything now...?" I asked cautiously. He trusted me now, I hoped.

Louis tilted his head to look at me, frowning with his eyes suddenly turning cold. "What? But I thought that you remembered everything... Right?" he asked, his voice serious. But I couldn't blame him; I could have worded my question better.

"Yeah... well, close enough to everything. There are probably a few little things I still can't remember. But they don't matter, do they?" I said, figuring I should be fully honest with him. "I just wanted to know that you trust me, to tell me the important things that happened," I explained.

"No, I suppose those don't matter," he said and I breathed a sigh of relief. "And I do trust you. You already know why I didn't tell you about us before, so you can't be mad at me for that now," his voice raised only slightly and I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"I'm not mad, I was just wondering if there was anything else that I might have forgotten about," I said, placing a gentle kiss on his nose for effect.

Louis visibly calmed, taking a big breath and exhaling slowly. "No, I don't think so," he said, answering my first question.

I nodded, thinking. There was still one thing I couldn't remember, I didn't think so anyway. "Um, what about before the accident?" I asked, "I don't remember how or why I ended up in that coma." I pursed my lips, knowing that this would probably be a tense conversation.

Louis bit his lip, looking down to his lap. "You really don't remember?" he asked, not looking up. "Or do you just want me to explain myself?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "no, I don't remember," I said, with the same seriousness in my voice as it was in his. "I'm sorry. I told you I remembered everything, which was untrue. I remember almost everything, and I'm guessing all of the important bits of our relationship as a band and more. But that's just the one main thing I don't remember that's been bugging me." I told him. I knew how unsure he was about me not remembering him or not actually loving him. But I couldn't lose him now; not now that I had just got him back.

He nodded his head in what I hoped was understanding. "Well, the five of us were at a bar that night," he started and I immediately closed my mouth, watching him intently as he talked to show I was listening. "Before that, we had been a bit impatient with our engagement. We wanted to get married as soon as possible. So I had hired a wedding planner to help me to make our day special for you. But, I had to keep it a secret; I didn't want you knowing what I had planned, so I told you that she was an old friend from school. That worked, in some respects..." he paused, looking up at me for a moment, biting his lip.

"Lisa?" I asked, I remembered the stunning blonde woman who really looked like she should have been a model. My jaw tightened a little on instinct, she had tried to take my Louis from me; that much I could remember.

Louis nodded, sending me a small smile in confirmation. "I think you got jealous; I was spending a lot of time alone with her and wouldn't tell you what was going on. You had every right to be suspicious," he sighed. "But then, that night, Lisa and I had become pretty good friends, so I invited her to come to a club with us. The music was pretty loud, and I leant in to her so she could hear me talk to her, but I'm assuming you thought I was going to kiss her."

"You ran out; I followed you. We were both a bit tipsy, and before I knew it, you had run out in front of that car..." he lowered his gaze to his lap and I heard him sniffle.

I froze, not sure what to say, so I simply rested my hand on his back, rubbing up and down. "I'm sorry for doing that to you, I-"

Louis shook his head, looking up at me, which was enough to get me to stop talking. His eyes were filling with tears and he blinked once before sighing. "It's my fault. If I had just told you what was going on, you would never have had any reason to be worried. You wouldn't have run out into the road without checking first," he sighed, lowering his head again so I couldn't see his emotions. "You wouldn't have forgotten me..."

I exhaled, putting my fingers under his chin to lift his gaze to me. I looked him in the eyes biting my lips before speaking up. "Have you been beating yourself up over that ever since?" I asked, a sternness to my voice.

Louis tried to look away, his eyes darting anywhere but at me. After a few moments, he shrugged looking up at me and smirking dryly. I shook my head. "You don't need to blame yourself." I said smiling at him, "me loosing my memory wasn't your fault. If anyone's, it was my own fault for not looking when I stepped out into the road." I said, hoping to make him feel a little better, but with no success.

He sighed, "If anything, I deserved it. I shouldn't have kept things from you when I knew I was hurting you. It was just karma, you hurting me by not remembering who I was. Only you didn't do it purposefully." Louis explained, and only then did I understand how much this whole thing had torn him up.

I knew that he was hurt by the fact in didn't remember him, but how he thought he deserved it must have made everything a hell of a lot harder.

"Listen, what happened was an accident, nothing more." I tried to persuade him.


I cut him off with my lips, attacking his. He froze, startled for a second, but I was persistent, kissing him with passion, and he relaxed, melting into the kiss and mirroring my actions.

I pulled away a few seconds later, looking to Louis, who seemed to take a few seconds to process what had happened before opening his mouth again, "But think about it, if I had just told you-"

I rolled my eyes, smirking to myself as I swung one of my legs from under Louis. I knelt up, leaning over my boyfriend and resting my forehead on his before kissing him hard on the lips once more.

This kiss lasted for a little longer; both of us letting out hands explore the other's body. I ran my hands down Louis' sides, smirking to myself when he made a sound of approval.

When I pulled away, even if it was only a few centimetres, our breath came out in pants, hitting the other's lips in flushes of warm air. I looked up at Louis expectantly, which was just returned with a mischievous smirk from him.

"I think I need more persuading," Louis said, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow. I chuckled a little, feeling his hands tangle together behind my head and bring me closer to him.

"Hm," I mused, smirking along with him before our lips met again.

It started off slower and more loving than the previous kisses, but as soon as I grabbed clumps of Louis' hair, he moaned into my mouth, giving me full access to his.

In between all the lips, tongue and teeth, suddenly, Louis thrusted his hips up as I straddled his lap. Then, he froze. Slowly pulling away from me, he looked up cautiously, smiling sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, it-" He began, but I didn't let him finish. Instead, I reconnected our lips and ground my hips down into his, loving the moan that escaped his lips.

His hands trailed down my chest, finally resting over my abdomen, making me squirm under his touch. I bucked my hips into his hand, letting a quiet moan escape my lips, which weren't so much kissing his as they were just hovering over them.

I rubbed my hands down the sides of his body, enjoying the way I could feel him shiver because of my touch. Louis dragged his lips down to my neck, lightly kissing and nipping the skin there as I automatically tilted my head to the side, giving him more room to mark my skin.

Between the pants and moans leaving our mouths, my hands had worked their way down to his jeans, fiddling with the button. I looked up into his eyes, looking for some form of conformation for what I was about to do. So when he gave a little nod, I dived back into my task, popping open the button and unzipping his jeans.

I paused for a moment, were we really going to do this? Sure, we've had lots of sex before, but that was before everything that had happened, and I wasn't sure if he wanted this like I did and-

"Hey-oooooh, guys!" Liam's voice travelled into the room and Louis and I immediately froze. I quickly buried my head in Louis' shoulder, not wanting to look at Liam out of embarrassment, still breathing quickly, and cheeks turning red.

I heard the living room door click shut Liam's muffled voice behind it mutter, "Could've at least closed the door..." before Louis and I were alone again...

Sorry, this chapter was supposed to be longer, but I'm at friends all of today so I couldn't write and wanted this posted quickly :) bet you were all expecting smut??? Well, sorry, but I'm not going to torture you by attempting to write that...

Only one chapter left ( + maybe an epilogue if I feel like it :P ) thanks to everyone who has supported this fanfic - I love you all :D

I have one favour to ask from you guys; how do you want this fic to end? It will be a happy ending, but I don't want it to be 'happily ever after' or any other cheesy stuff.
I really just need an ending sentence so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and rewarded with a dedication :)


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