10. An Announcement

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Trying to keep up my promise of updating every three days :)

Dedication to @RukiaWolf for all the lovely comments on so many of the chapters - it is really appreciated :)

After eating lunch, I was sat in the living room, along with Zayn and Niall. Louis was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich, having just had a shower since his clothes had been drenched with pool water. Liam had been sulking to himself for the remainder of the morning but, however guilty I felt, it had been worth it. Just seeing his face and dripping wet body as he ran after Lou and I was hilarious. I suppose Louis was right; it was fun.

A moment later, Louis walked in, what was left of his sandwich in his hands. He came over and sat next to me. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but, in one swift movement, I swung my legs over his and lay down, my back flat on the sofa.

I knew that all of us boys were extremely close and just generally comfortable around each other. And I wanted to be like that with them as well, not just acting like some outcast just because I didn’t remember our times together or how we used to act.

Louis looked down at me, smiling and I just giggled. I felt like a bit of a girl to be honest; laying in his lap and giggling when he smiled at me. But he had the most adorable smile. He would probably hate me if I told him that though; he likes to try and keep up this tough masculine image… although that failed when I first woke up from my coma and saw him crying at my bedside, looking completely broken.

I shuffled my head around to try to move it to a more comfortable position, but, being the idiot that I am, my head missed the fabric of the settee, falling so it was hanging in mid air, just above the floor. So there I was, my head hanging upside down with my body remaining (half on Louis’ lap) on the sofa.

Hmm, the living room looks different upside down…

Smack. Out of nowhere, I felt something wet slap me across the face. “Ah” I cried out, in shock. Rolling off the couch, I looked up to see Liam hovering above me, his pyjama pants that were still soaking wet from this morning in his hands as he smirked at me.

“Because I let you off this morning,” he explained, still smirking. Well, it was definitely better than being dumped in the pool…

A few minutes later, we all sat calmly on the sofas. I had noticed that we spent a lot of time like this; just sitting in the living room together, talking, watching something on TV or just relaxing in each others presence.

I saw Niall on the other sofa, oblivious to everything around him as he typed away on his phone. It was like a never ending cycle; his phone would vibrate, he would give a little giddy smile as he read the screen then begin typing again.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who noticed this.

“So who is it Niall?” Liam urged, smiling cheekily while nudging Niall in the ribs.

“Huh?” he asked, being brought out of his own little word. He snapping his head up like he had only just remembered that he wasn’t alone.

“Who ya texting Ni?” Zayn joined in and Niall just blushed now that he realized everyone was looking at him, waiting for an answer.

“Umm, Well…” he began awkwardly, fidgeting in his seat. I heard his phone vibrate again, only this time, he ignored it.

“Aww, Nialler’s got himself a girlfriend!” Liam cooed, which caused Niall to blush and look even more uncomfortable than before.

“Not really…” Niall muttered quietly.

“Eh? What do you mean?” Liam asked, now serious.

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