11. Flashback

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IMPORTANT ANNONCEMENT PLEASE READ: Ok, so this chapter is going to be in Niall's POV. Basically it is Niall flashback/telling the others how he met Jordan and such - sorry that it's just a filler. This will probably be the only chapter that isn't in Harry's POV (except maybe at the end of the fic) anyway - i just wanted to let you know so you don't get confused :)

Niall POV


I had been out at some club that night, on my own since Louis and Harry were at home while Zayn and Liam were out doing who knows what. Sitting at the bar, I ordered another drink. I had drunk a bit, although not too much. I had learnt not to go out on my own and get hammered, being famous meant that there were many people willing to take advantage of me in that state. Now that definitely wouldn’t look good.

I debated whether to head over to the dance floor, but decided against it; it would only draw attention to myself and I would no doubt see an embarrassing picture of myself in some of the tabloids the next morning. So instead I stayed at the bar.

That wasn’t a problem for me; it was always a good atmosphere. Plus, there was always the chance to have a pretty hilarious conversation with some dude who was completely wasted, sitting at the bar.

I looked along the row of people sitting down; the barstool next to me was empty, but next to that, sat a boy wearing smart, dark jeans and a t-shirt - it was hard to tell colours since the room was so dark. He sat there, sipping what looked like a beer and occasionally looking out into the crowd of people, before shuffling in his seat and staring blankly at the bar.

I hopped over to the barstool next to me, plopping down next to the boy. “This isn’t really your thing, is it?” I asked over the loud, thumping music.

He looked at me, surprised that I would start a conversation with him, and shook his head. He eyes roamed the mass of people before settling on me, “Nah. It’s just that it’s one of my friends birthday today and he invited a bunch of people down here to celebrate,” he explained.

“Ah, I see. What’s your name?” I asked, trying to be polite and keep some sort of a conversation going.


“Niall,” I replied, sticking my hand out. He took it eagerly, and I swear I saw his eyes light up for a moment.

“Oh,” he replied. “Didn’t recognise you there,” he says light-heartedly. He obviously recognises me but doesn’t take it too seriously, unlike half of the manic fangirls out there.

I chuckle at him, “Took you long enough,” I joked back with a wink. It was all just banter; I’m not that self-centred. I hope he took that as a joke and didn’t think I was being one of those stuck up celebrities.

He laughed at me “Yeah, how could I miss those stunning blue eyes of yours,” he continued. I giggled awkwardly, shifting in my seat, not knowing how to answer. Despite being in one of the most popular boy bands on the planet, I still wasn’t used to compliments from random strangers. I didn’t think I was anything special. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you awkward, it’s just that I think you’re attractive.”

Yep, that definitely decreased the awkwardness… not. “Um, thanks.” I said, not knowing what else to say. “So you’re a fan?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Sorry, I’ll stop with all the awkward fangirl stuff. And don’t worry, I’m not going to blast your eardrums with a high pitched squeal or burst into tears at the sight of you.” We laughed at that. Phew – that was the end of the awkwardness. I do love our fans, but they can be rather overdramatic at times. “I’ll just treat you like I would with any other person,” He explained.

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