20. I Don't Want To Lose You

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Dedicated to one of my favorite Larry writers @_MySummerLove_ Go and pester her to update 'I'm Here For You' hehe :)

After an uneventful dinner with Jordan, Niall insisted that we all went out to a club, more specifically, the club in which him and Jordan met.

Louis had been present for about half of the afternoon, only talking when necessary and I couldn’t help but feel bad. It was all my fault that he was feeling so down, that he couldn’t look at Jordan without being reminded of us and the fact that I couldn’t just step up and agree to continue dating him. It’s all my selfish fault.

I felt even worse when I was dragging Louis out of his room, telling him that he would be ‘missing out if he didn’t come with us’ and that he ‘would have a great time’. I knew those weren’t true but eventually, Louis changed into a shirt and as he walked out the door with us, Niall smiled widely and proceeded to sling his arm over Louis’ shoulder and walked ahead of us, talking to him.

After talking with Niall, Louis seemed more relaxed and that made me wonder what they were talking about. But it was none of my business… unless they were talking about me.

We piled into two separate cars (Jordan taking Niall in his) and headed off to one of the popular clubs in London. We had decided it was ok to go with Jordan as long as he just looked like a friend and him and Niall didn’t get too close, which might be hard if they drink too much.

Later that evening, Liam and I were sitting at the bar, pints of beer in our hands. Liam never liked drinking that much and he continued to remind me that I had only got out of hospital after a serious accident just over a week ago. I really wanted to get drunk and dance the night away but instead, decided on the sensible option of staying (fairly) sober with Liam… he must be wearing off on me.

Zayn was no where to be found but I noticed Louis following Niall and Jordan wherever they went like a lost puppy; all three of them rather drunk.

I stood up, fed up of sitting there doing nothing, when a girl came over to me.

“Hey.” She smiled, did I know her? “Harry, could you sign something for me?” she asked and dug out a random scrap piece of paper from her purse.

I smiled and nodded, “Of course.” So she was a fan, I guess I would have to get used to giving my autograph to random strangers everywhere I go.

I handed her back the (now signed) piece of paper and she stepped forward for a hug. Of course, I hugged her back and gave her a quick peck on the cheek; that was an appropriate thing to do, right? I began to walk away but the girl (who I still hadn’t leant the name of) grabbed my wrist, she gently pulled me towards the mass of bodies dancing around to the beat of the music. She gestured to the dance floor and I shrugged, following her. I had nothing better to do.

We danced for the duration of two songs and I was feeling myself begin to loosen up and the stress of what was happening with Louis fade. That was, until she grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my face down and began attacking my lips with hers. I kissed her back tentatively, wasn’t that the polite thing to do?

When she pulled back after half a minute, she just smirked up at me. “I knew you didn’t truly love Louis,” she stated devilishly.

I froze, my mouth open, I had forgotten about the fact that she could have known about my engagement to Louis. I turned away from her and I tried to get away as quickly as possible. Well, that stress-less moment didn’t last… I briefly saw Louis in the corner of my eye and cursed myself for even letting her do that, what was I thinking?

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