23. The Pool

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Dedicated to @BromanceItUp For the comment :D

Sorry this update is so overdue...

After a little kiss/cuddle session with Louis, I felt like I needed someone to talk to, and not Louis. So I grabbed my phone and called the number of the person I knew had supported me through everything that had happened and would continue until the end; my mum.

The phone only rang for a couple of times before she answered. “Harry?” she asked, sounding surprised, but happy nonetheless.

“Hey mum,” I said, a smile on my face from just hearing her voice.

“Hello, what’s up? Are you ok?” she sounded panicked, why? Could I not just call my mum for a normal conversation? But then I remembered something that made me angrier. She had lied to me.

“You knew about me and Louis, didn’t you?” I asked sternly.

“Oh,” the other side of the line went silent for a moment, as she obviously didn’t know how to respond. “So you found out then?” she asked but it wasn’t a question. “Are you ok? So you want me to come down? Or you come up to visit me?”

“No, I’m alright mum,” I sighed. “But I will have to come up and visit you sometime soon,” I reassured her.

“So are you ok about everything? What happened?” She genuinely sounded concerned, even though she was involved in keeping this secret from me.

“I’m ok now; just really annoyed that no one told me and waited for me to figure it out on my own.”

“I’m sorry-”

“But that was a few days ago, Louis and I have sorted everything out now.” I said, as I tried to look ahead, not back to the past. A smile grew on my face as I thought about everything that had happened over the past few days. There was still a little concern, still worrying if I had made the right decision, if this would or wouldn’t work. But Louis made me happy, and I’m sure if we could get though my memory loss, we could make it through the majority of things.

“That’s great sweetie, so what’s happening between you? Come on, you can tell me all about everything!” Well, the concern in her voice had completely gone. Now, you could practically hear the smile through her voice, eager to hear all the gossip on Louis and I.

“Well, there were a few days where everything between us was a bit awkward but I talked to him properly this morning and decided to take the chance to continue dating him.” I’m sure I heard a little sound of approval at that. “I decided that I did have feelings for him and I was willing to take the risk for us to be together.”

“Aw honey, that’s great!” she sounded so happy for me and I knew that she hadn’t changed her opinion of me just for dating another guy.

“Thanks mum, I don’t think I realised until I talked to him today, but I really do love him,” I expressed. Some people may have found that awkward, talking to their mum about such a topic. But my mum had always been so close to me and that bond was only made stronger when she was the only person I could remember from the moment I woke up in that hospital bed.

My head snapped up at the sound of the door slowly opening and I saw Louis awkwardly shuffle into the room. I knew that he had heard all that I had just said from the smile he was trying to fight off his face. I smiled back at him, blushing slightly and held up a finger to him, letting him know that, whatever he wanted; I would talk to him in a moment.

“So you’re ok with everything?” she confirmed and I hummed in confirmation.

“Yes mum, I’m fine, really. I have to go now, but I promise I will call you again soon and come up to visit when I can,” I said and we both said our final goodbyes before hanging up.

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