22. Questions and answers

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Dedication goes to all of you lovely fans for reading this story up to here, it means a lot that you take the time to read/vote/comment on my work :D THANK YOUUUUU <3

“You really mean it, everything you said?” Louis asked, sitting on the sofa in the living room, surrounded by the others. His smile hadn’t left his face and his eyes were shining as bright as when I pulled away after kissing him.

“Of course,” I replied, mirroring his smile. “I love you, and want to be with you.”

He kissed me lightly on the cheek, “good.”

“But on one condition,” I stated, feeling a bit mischievous. But I had to ask, this had been bothering me ever since I woke up in the hospital.

“What?” Louis sighed, looking slightly worried, but not too bothered, obviously thinking that whatever it was, he was willing to do it.

“Tell me everything,” I commanded. His eyes widened but he sighed, relaxing. “I already found out the one big secret, there isn’t anything else you’re hiding is there?” I asked, playing it cool but freaking out on the inside. What if there was something else they were hiding from me?

“No, of course not. And if you want to know, that is fine, I’ll tell you everything.” I smiled at him from where I was sitting next to him. “So you still can’t remember anything?” he checked.

“Well, I’ve had a lot of thoughts over the past few days, and I’m pretty sure some of those were memories.” Louis’ eyes lit up as I said that and I continued, “It wasn’t that much, just little things like remembering how you would cuddle with me on this sofa, kissing you and holding your hand, and when you comforted me when I cried,” I explained.

“Oh, right. So you want the full story then?” I nodded. “You better get comfy then, this might take a while,” he joked.

I chuckled along with him but swung my legs over his regardless, resting back against the armrest of the settee and exhaling. “Alright, I’m ready,” I smirked.

“Right, so it started out in the X Factor,” Louis started. “While we were on the show, we all bonded really well, and we decided to make video diaries from every week we were still there. While we were just messing around every week, you and I would always have some cute, funny moment, and that’s when the fans started gaining interest in our relationship.”

“When they came up with the name Larry Stylinson,” I interjected. Louis nodded, his eyebrows raised and I answered his unspoken question, “Niall and I talked a bit about it.”

“Ah, Niall was explaining Larry, was he,” Louis asked, smirking, his eyes lighting up. “So, they came up with the couple name ‘Larry Stylinson’ when they saw how close we had gotten. By that time I had already told you guys that I was gay, I had known from a young age and I figured that if I was going to be in a band with all of you, there would be no point in hiding it. Anyway, over time I slowly noticed I was beginning having feelings for you. I was aware that it could totally ruin our friendship and the band but, about a week after we finished the X Factor, I told you. You didn’t exactly know how to react, you thought you were straight at the time and didn’t even consider having feelings for me. So I told you it was ok, that I wasn’t really expecting you to feel the same but my feelings only grew and I didn’t know what I could do about it.”

I looked down to my lap, thinking. Louis had already confessed his feelings for me and gotten rejected once. That only made me think about how hard this must have been for him, having it all happen a second time. Though, if it had worked out for us once, why couldn’t it one more time?

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