9. The Prank

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Bit of a longer chapter for you guys <3

Dedication goes to @teresaomann for making me smile with her comment :) Harry isn't the smartest person in this fic... it might take him a while to remember... :P

“Haz?”… “Harry get up.” I heard someone speaking in a hushed whisper to me. I peeled my eyes open and was surprised to see that it was still dark in the room. Groaning, I turned on my side and jumped when I saw Louis’ face, only centimetres away from mine. Louis was still lying next to me in the bed, his hand nudging me on the shoulder to wake me up.

“What do you want?” I snapped, probably a little too loud for his liking as he reached his hand towards me and placed a finger to my lips telling me to ‘shh’. I just stared awkwardly into his eyes, waiting for him to say something or remove his finger from my lips.

“Just get up,” he ordered.

“Fine, but why?” I asked in a quite voice, mirroring Louis’. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, facing Louis who had done the same.

“I have an idea,” he explained vaguely with a mischievous glint to his eyes.

“Which is…?” I prompted him. He just smirked back at me.

“To fully reintroduce you to the life of One Direction, you are going to help me out with something.”

“What is it?” I asked, frustrated at not being told anything and also slightly worried at not having a clue what he could get me doing.

“You’re going to help me pull a prank, on one of the other lads.” He explained, the mischievous smirk only growing.

I hesitated for a moment, was that really going to be a good idea? Louis must have noticed my hesitation as his smirk soon morphed into a mixture of a pout and a frown. He looked across at me with big eyes and I just smiled at how childish he was being.

“Well, when you put it like that…” I joked, and his face lit up in a huge smile.

“So you’ll help me?” he asked. I nodded reluctantly and he began doing some silent victory dance around his bedroom before coming over and hugging me.

“Jeez Lou, calm down!” I said, although I still hugged him back.

We parted and Louis grabbed some baggy grey sweat pants from his draw, pulling them on and throwing another pair to me. I looked around the room, and my eyes found the clock; it read ‘6:43’. We really had to get up this early?

“Remind me why we have to get up this early, Lou?” I questioned. We all had a day off today (and for a while because of my memory loss), and I didn’t expect any of us to get up before at least ten. I wondered why Louis had decided to wake me up at this ungodly hour of the morning.

“Well I woke up early this morning and since you woke me up last night, I thought I would get a little revenge. Also when I couldn’t get back to sleep, I thought of this prank and wanted your help to pull it off.” Louis explained.

I shrugged, I probably deserved being woken up since i randomly walked into his room late last night to wake him up for no reason. “Ok, so what’s the prank?” I asked him, intrigued but also scared to find out what ridiculous trick I would have to pull on one of the lads.

Louis quickly explained the prank to me. He had the idea that we should move around the furniture from one of the boy’s rooms, either outside or to a different room in the house. So when they wake up, they wouldn’t know where they were.

Hilarious idea, I know. Note the sarcasm.

“Fine,” I agreed, still a little unsure. But Louis had wanted to carry out this idea, and if it meant that much to him, I would help him out. Now all we had to decide was who was going to be the victim of our pranking.

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