4. Secrets

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A/N Love all you amaZayn readers :)

After relaxing in my room, just thinking things over for a while I headed down the corridor. I got a glass of water from the kitchen and took slow sips of the cool liquid. It was getting quite frustrating actually; with in these five strangers who are supposed to be my best friend and I can’t remember a thing.

They were all in the living room – I could hear them through the thin walls separating us. I couldn’t hear much; just their muffled chatter. Deciding to join them, I strolled to the door, but stopped when I heard quiet sobbing. I didn’t want to be intruding on anything. Yet in a way, I wanted to know what was going on; what they weren’t telling me. I stayed out of view from them sitting on the sofas in the room and put my back to the wall, standing next to the open door.

 “He’s not going to remember me Ni,” That was Louis’ voice, I could recognise his.

“Sure he will Lou, you just have to give him time,” the voice that I’m assuming belonged to Niall, said.

“But what about everything we were, all of our memories that he’s lost?” Louis continued with a sad tone to his voice. I stayed still, not wanting to be noticed, hoping I would find something out about myself that they otherwise wouldn’t tell me.

“He will get his memory back eventually, don’t worry.” Another voice said, “Everything will be back to normal soon.”

“But remember how long it took him to admit it the first time; I don’t know if I can go through all that again…” Louis’ hurt voice said softly.

“That won’t change just because he’s lost his memory. And if anything, he will admit it to himself quicker this time round as he will have his regained memories to help him understand.”

“And Louis, you were best friends, he must have liked something about you! If you don’t let what’s happened get you down and just be yourself, he’s bound to like you for the same reasons he did originally,” Niall’s Irish accent sounded from the room.

“But what if he thinks I’m being to forward with him, or really creepy ‘cause I know practically everything about him. Or if he-”

“Louis! Look, we are pretty much all in the same situation here; he doesn’t remember any of us. But he WILL get his memory back, just stop worrying, everything will be fine.”

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, causing the floorboard to make a soft, creaking sound. The boy’s heads snapped around to the where the noise had come from, seeing me standing awkwardly in the doorway. I knew that they were aware I had been listening in on their conversation and looked down, not catching my eye.

Louis was sat on one sofa with Zayn, while Niall and Liam shared the second one. Louis was almost sitting on Zayn’s lap; his arms round his torso while Zayn’s hand ran up and down his back in a comforting manner. Louis had his head almost buried in the dark haired bloke’s shoulder but I could still see the tear tracks running down his face.

I felt horrible for making him sad like this, but I also blamed them partly for it. If they could just tell me whatever stupid secret they were keeping from me, I would know more about myself. Then, hopefully, we could get back to how we were before – that was what they wanted right?

Louis looked up at me and I could see a few silent tears roll down his cheeks. But I was starting to get frustrated and adrenaline began to pump through my blood, releasing the built up anger and kicking off the argument.

“Why can’t you just tell me?” I spat, feeling worse for treating them like this but I pushed the guilt to one side.

“Tell you what?” Liam asked, seeming genuinely confused.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now