25. The Date

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(not going to do dedications until i get more people commenting - sorry)


I felt the soft breath hit my face and fluttered my eyes open to see Louis’ face hovering above mine. I had slept in his bed that night; something that I was sure would become much more common now that we were dating. His whole face lit up as I smiled gently up at him. It seemed as though he still hadn’t got over the fact that we are together.

I leaned up, pecking him on the nose softly before falling back onto the bed.

“Morning,” I croaked, wincing when I heard the sound of my morning voice.

“So,” he began, drawing out the word. “I was wondering if you would, erm… like to, y’know, go on a date with me?” he asked, looking awkward and nervous.

“Hmm,” I pretended to think about it for a moment before flashing him an overly dramatic smile. “Of course Lou,” I said seriously, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down so that he was resting on my chest. My fingers made their way to his hair, fiddling with it as I felt him smile against my bare torso, I placed a delicate kiss to his head and the moment my lips left his hair, he jumped up from the bed.

“Great! Be ready in an hour please.” He requested, smiling before rushing off out of the room.

Then, about an hour later, Louis grabbed me by the hand, pulling me off the sofa, where I had aimlessly been playing games on my phone, and led me out to the car, a rucksack in his hand.

“So, where are we going exactly?” I asked.

“Now, do you really think I would tell you that?” he asked, smirking playfully back at me, “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

So I sat quietly grumbling to myself in the passenger seat as Louis drove us to the ‘mystery location’. When we arrived, Louis instructed me to stay in the car for a moment as he walked over to a little hut by the side of a river. I saw him walk up to a young man, talking to him for a moment before handing what looked to be some money over to him. Then he began to walk back towards me.

I just hoped all of this waiting and secrecy was worth it.

We were the middle of a small field, having driven down a dirt track before parking here. Louis opened the door for me, holding his hand for me to take. I scoffed at him, but took his hand nonetheless, and he led me over to the little hut where he had previously been standing.

“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing here yet?” I asked, squeezing his hand, intertwined with mine, and sending him a hopeful smile.

“Just one minute and I’m sure you will see,” he said, his tone a mixture of excited and a little upset. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking around for any clues. All I could see was the river, and if he proposed we go swimming in that, I would have to be the one organising dates from now on.

We turned the corner, past the hut and Louis smiled at the man, who nodded and gestured around the other side. Once Louis had guided me round, I immediately saw why we were here, and my face lit up a little. Littering a small brown fence, were many different boats; canoes, kayaks, rowing boats, all in different colours.

I looked to Louis, who was eyeing me with an expectant gaze. Smiling to him, I pressed my lips quickly to his cheek, saying more than words needed to.

“Come on then.” Louis said, rushing off to one side of a traditional, wooden rowing boat, gesturing for me to stand the other side.

We lifted the boat, placing it in the water and Louis, once again, took my hand. “You ready?” he asked.

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