31. Smoking and A Talk With Liam

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Please read the IMPORTANT authors note at the bottom :D


It was a few minutes later while my head was buried in my pillow that Niall barged in through my bedroom door.

“Alright, what happened?” he asked, easily reading the situation. Or it was just the fact that Louis and I had left the house together, yet come back separately that said that something was wrong.

“It’s alright Niall, don’t worry about it,” I replied, exasperated and not really wanting to tell him; I’m not even entirely sure I knew what was going on anyway.

“Come on Harry,” Niall pleaded. “Louis came in a minute ago and went straight to his room; just tell me what’s going on and maybe I can help.”

“Go and ask Louis about it then,” I responded. “See if you can get him to tell you what’s wrong and why he doesn’t want me anywhere near him,” I challenged. Niall frowned, not getting up or showing any signs of leaving.

“I’m sure that’s not true,” he countered. “And why would he even do that?”

“I don’t know Niall.” I sighed, not looking him in the eye, “please leave me alone, go and talk to Louis if you want answers.”

This time, Niall listened to me, softly tapping my shoulder in an attempt to show sympathy, before leaving the room.

I thought about what had happened less than an hour ago. I wanted to think that it was that rude man that had caused Louis to start acting weirdly, but really, from the moment we had walked in that store, he had dropped my hand and wouldn’t so much as look me in the eye. Was he ashamed to be seen with me, were the consequences of being with me making him start to doubt his choice? Was this all just getting too much for him?

Well, whatever it was, he had no excuses to act like that. He could have and should have talked to me about it, I kept telling myself. I would understand and hopefully we would have sorted things out without having to be like this. And why would he ask me to come out to the shops with him if he was only going to ignore me.

I opened twitter, sending a quick tweet, just wanting to let my emotions out somehow.

@Harry_Styles: Sometimes, words hurt like bullets.

I got thousands of replies immediately, some pondering over what that could mean, some saying nice things to try to comfort me, and of course, there were the hundreds of tweets filled with hate.

I quickly exited the app, instead focusing my mind on Louis. Maybe he didn’t want to be with me anymore, the hate had got to him as much as it had to me. That thought alone scared me more than anything. The only reason I could tolerate all the hate and nasty words thrown at us was because I had Louis; and that would make everything worth it. But if he hated me or wanted to break up, the hate would only continue and I wouldn’t have anyone to comfort me.

Well, I would have the other boys, I’m sure, but they’re not the same as Louis. If I didn’t have Louis, and most of our ‘fans’ hated me and didn’t want me in this world anymore; then what was the point?

I got up, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm myself down, hoping that none of the others were there to try to talk to me. As I passed the kitchen counter, I spotted a packet of Zayn’s cigarettes on the table. Well, people do say that they have a calming affect and help to de-stress. I cautiously reached out to pick them up. Zayn wouldn’t mind, would he? And I would only take one; it’s not like I’m going to start smoking packets a day.

After a minute more of my internal battle, I opened the packet, taking one of the cigarettes and opened the drawer where I knew Zayn kept his lighter. Before anyone could enter the room, I walked out the back door. Lighting the cigarette, I held it up.

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