17. Talk To Louis

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Dedicated to @Sh3sN0tAfraid Because I love her Fics, especially, 'Kidnapping Zayn Malik: Mission Impossible' and 'I Wish' and actually all of them <3 hehe

“Harry, can I come in?” I heard along with a knock on the door. That was Liam’s voice, thank god. I hummed in response, not saying yes or no but Liam entered anyway.

I was sat up in my bed, my back resting against the headrest and the duvet still covering my lower half. I had been awake before the sun rose and hadn’t been able to slip back off to sleep; my thoughts wouldn’t let me. So instead of getting up, I had sat in my bed thinking for the past god knows how long. Honestly, all this thinking will kill me one day.

“I brought you breakfast,” Liam said as he walked in, carrying a plate of toast with a few pieces of bacon. It reminded me of when Louis made me breakfast that one time, how he woke me up with the sweet smell of his homemade pancakes. I had liked that.

“Thanks Li,” I replied starting to dig into the toast already. I forgot that I didn’t actually get to have dinner last night…

“How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

“Eh,” I grunted “I don’t really know,” I admitted. “And I have no clue what to do about all of this.”

Liam sighed, coming over to sit next to me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on my shoulder. It didn’t have the same feeling as when I did that with Louis. Louis’ shoulder was warmer, softer, more inviting; it just felt right.

“Just go and talk to him, tell him what you’re feeling.” Liam told me and must have seen the apprehensive look on my face when he added, “don’t worry about it, he will understand, it would be good for both of you to talk things over.”

I sighed, leaving the conversation with an “I’m just not ready to talk to him yet.”

Liam nodded in understanding and the room remained silent as I finished eating my breakfast. When I had finished, he picked up the plate and headed back out of the room.

“You coming?” he asked, “Or are you going to sit in bed all day?”

“Er, I think I’ll just stay here.” I said, not wanting to run the risk of running into Louis and having an awkward encounter just yet.

“Don’t worry, Louis’ in his room.” Liam explained, seemingly reading my thoughts, “He won’t come out until he knows your ok with him.”

I didn’t know what to think of that. I felt bad that Louis felt like he had to stay away from me but at the same time I was grateful for the space and it made me look up to him. He seems to know just what I want in every situation and does his best to make me feel comfortable.

I sighed, pulling on some clothes and following Liam into the kitchen where Niall and Zayn were sat talking. Making myself a cup of tea, I sat down with them, staying silent while they talked, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

I was sitting there, minding my own business when I heard a voice from next to me. “You need to talk to him Haz,” Niall said seriously. I looked around to see that Liam and Zayn had both left the room, leaving me alone with Niall. “He will give you space, let you make the first move so he doesn’t push you when you’re not ready for anything. But he really wants you to go and talk to him. Even if it’s not what he’s hoping for, it would be good if you just told him what’s going on in your head. He deserves to know that much, right?”

I wanted to disagree with him, say that I would much rather spend the rest of my life hiding in my bedroom where I didn’t have to face him. But his words resembled closely what Liam had told me earlier and I wondered if they were working together against me.

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