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Hey Poeples of the universe!!! Just a few little things before you start reading:

Firstly i would like to remind you that this is only fiction; fanFICTION - so none of this ever happened and is only from my imagination. Yes, I ship Larry (pretty obvious) but i don't believe they are actually gay together. I wish they were but I can see that Lou and Eleanor are happy together and i love them together so much! she is lovely and soooo pretty!

Also, this first chapter is a little depressing, just letting you know the rest of the novel won't be like that. I don't like depressing stories; It gets happier :D

We were sitting there, watching the sleeping boy. He looked so lifeless; dead to the world. But I knew he was in there, he had to be. It would all be alright. He would wake up soon.

I looked around the room. There wasn’t much there, just the white of hospital walls with all the equipment in one corner. There were sheets and sheets of papers from god knows how many tests there have been on him whilst he’s in… this state. They’re just doing all these tests when he’s completely unaware, and so far, no good has come from any of them. He is apparently in a stable condition and we all just have to wait, but they continue tests and cheek-ups regularly regardless; the result never changing.

The hard plastic chair was uncomfortable and not too good to sit on for long periods of time. But then again, they weren’t really made for comfort; they never expect people to stay nearly as long as we had. My bum is beginning to lose feeling and I could get up and stretch my legs a little but my legs have been completely like jelly lately and I don’t even know how I made it as far as the bathroom or the small cafeteria without breaking down. But the chair is the least of my problems at the moment. I shouldn’t be worrying about something as stupid as that when one of the people closest to me is possibly on his death bed.

There were many wires in his arms, all of then were doing different things in order to keep him alive. The heart rate monitor had a steady beat showing on the screen, proving that even when some were close to giving up, he was still there; still breathing; still living.

I looked around at the boys near me. All three of them wore the same expression of sadness, worry, and tiredness. We had all be here a total of five days now, and had hardly slept, or eaten… or spoken at all for that matter. The nurses hadn’t made us go home; they had suggested it would be best for us to get some proper rest, but we couldn’t. None of us could leave his side no matter what. Even is nothing happened, we would have been by his side, keeping watch over his peaceful sleeping body. ‘Sleeping’ - that’s a nice way to think of it. Well nicer than thinking of our almost dead friend lying lifeless on the hospital bed, with wires and machines are the only things keeping him alive. No, he was simply sleeping; resting his body until he was strong enough to come back to us, back into our arms.

He may be broken, damaged and incredibly weak when he wakes up, but it’ll all be worth it right? It would be worth the pain to see him alright and smiling soon after, wouldn’t it? I have now idea what we’d do without him. We were all so close to him, that’s why we refused to leave his side. But what if something went wrong and he never woke up. But that won’t happen. He will wake up, he will. But what would we do if he doesn’t; I don’t know what any of us would do. It would almost be as if our own lives were over. We couldn’t carry on without him.

The heart rate monitor was the only sound in the room; it was completely silent except for that. There was the occasional deep breath from one of us or the scrape of the plastic chair legs on the floor as one of us left the room, only to return almost five minutes later. It was a never ending cycle of silence, depression and sadness. None of us dared to try to start a conversation; in a way it felt disrespectful to try and lighten the mood when he was still there, asleep and lifeless.

As I breathed in I could taste the foul scent of medicines and drugs to give the patients and the hand soap we all had to apply before entering. The numerous disinfectants that had been used in the room around here all could be smelt. It really didn’t make the completely undesirable wait any better.

It’s been five days and nothing, absolutely nothing has happened. We haven’t even got a sign as to whether he’s doing any better or worse. He just lies there; nurses come in to check on him at least once an hour, but they never have anything more to report on. It’s always just the same as the last time. So what if…? No, he would make it. But if he’s shown no signs of recovery then maybe, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe it was his time.

Tear start rolling down my face as I fear the worst and I notice the other boys faces are similar to mine.

We all had dark rings around our eyes, indicating the lack of sleep. We were almost falling asleep in our chairs, and often had, waiting for news. Anything on the brown, curly haired boy that would assure he would be alright.

He would pull through; he must.

Besides, One Direction just wouldn't be One Direction without Harry Styles


WHOOP!!! First chapter is up! Sorry it's short but it's just a prologue and the other chapters will be longer :)

Please, please, please comment and like so I can know if you guys are looking forward to the rest of the story. I wont be posting the rest for a while, i will probably wait until i've finished I Want To Be Loved By You til i do!

But seriously, please like and comment, you don't know how much it will make my day <3

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