5. The Meeting

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I'm going to start dedicating chapters to the comment that made me smile the most or the one i just liked the most. 

So this chapeter is dedicated to @Directioner4life12 'cause she knows the secret!!! :P

“Harry!” I heard Louis shout from outside my bedroom.

“Yes?” I replied equally as loud as I stepped out of the ensuite bathroom, having just finished my shower.

“I just thought you might be looking for some clothes. Most of yours are in my room,” he explained.

“Ok, just a sec,” I called out and quickly wrapped a towel round my waist and stepped out into the hallway. I wasn’t too self conscious about my body and if we had been living together like this for four years, they must have seen me topless countless times.

I knocked on Louis’ bedroom door then opened it, figuring that I would have just walked in anyway a few weeks ago. He turned to face me as I walked in, stopping what he was doing.

“Hey Haz,” he said, but I couldn’t help but notice that his eyes kept roaming my exposed torso, stopping when they reached the towel.

“Like what you see?” I asked with a wink when he didn’t seem to move after a moment. I have always been one to flirt around a bit, and I guess that was no different around a boy… who is my best mate… damn. That would make him uncomfortable, wouldn’t it?

He blushed lightly and I opened my mouth to apologise for even saying that when he simply shrugged it off saying, “I’ve seen it all before.”

I furrowed an eyebrow, intrigued. “You’ve seen it all?” I asked, uncomfortably.

“Yeah,” he replied nonchalantly. “All of the boys have. You are the guy who ‘likes to get naked all the time’” he put finger quotes up.

“Oh,” I replied, a blush coming to my cheeks. I suppose that does kinda seem like me, but I must have been really comfortable around these boys. Although I am usually outgoing, I can be quite insecure at times.

“Well why don’t I get some clothes to wear,” I said hurriedly after a long awkward silence. I suppose it is a bit awkward when your ‘best friends’ have seen you naked and you don’t even remember their names…

“Good idea,” he seemed to snap out of his little trance.

He walked me over to one corner of his room, where I saw a large closet with a chest of draws beside it. He motioned towards them, “Just take whatever you want, we used to share most of our clothes anyway.” Louis explained and I gave him a grateful nod as I opened the chest of draws.

After a few minutes of searching the contents of mine and Louis’ clothes, I picked out a plain black t-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. I thanked Louis before leaving the room and stepping across the hall into my room. Dropping the towel from my waist, I swiftly pulled the clothes on and looked in the mirror, about to start styling my hair.

“Harry, Louis! Get your arses here, it’s time to go!” Liam shouted from the front door. I quickly brushed through my hair then swept it to the side as I heard Louis shout something back to Liam.

I stepped out of my room, going to walk down the hall to get to Liam and the others, when Louis exited his room, almost the same time as me. The doors to our rooms are exactly opposite each other (with the other boy’s further down the hall) so you could just take two steps and you would be in the other’s room. As we both stepped out, we bumped hips and ended walking side by side down the thin corridor. Louis draped his arm around my shoulders, a friendly gesture, and I relaxed into his touch.

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