21. Believe Me

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Dedicated to @mille_girl for the lovely comment, how you like this next chapter :D

Only a short chapter but hopefull what happens in it makes up for it :)

Louis was stroking my hair, softly bringing me out of sleep. I fluttered my eyelids open and looked up into his shining blue orbs. He was hovering over me, leaning on his elbow and smiling down at me, causing me to smile at him. I loved his smile. It was far better than that nervous, worried glace with his teeth biting his lower lip he had been showing most of the last few days.

I caressed his jaw with my hand and pushed myself up to softly peck him on the cheek. Lying back down on the bed, I smiled but he just bit his lip… oh dear.

“What?” I asked, wasn’t that what he wanted, to wake up to a kiss from me. Well, even if it wasn’t really a proper kiss.

“It’s just…” the sadness was back in his eyes, “I remember what you did yesterday.”

“What?” I repeated. Had he heard what I said to him last night? If he did, surely that is a good thing for him.

“At the club, when you kissed that girl…” he sighed, sitting up in bed, only to look down at his lap.

“Shit, I’m so sorry.” How was I supposed to get him to believe me on this one? “I really didn’t mean to, she kissed me and I don’t know why, but I kissed back. It was a mistake, I honestly regret it so much.” I rambled, hopefully getting my point across.

“Harry, listen,” Louis interrupted. “It’s ok; you’re allowed to kiss anyone you want. It’s not like you are already dating someone.” I cringed.

“No, it was totally wrong of me to do that. I know how you would have felt about it and I’m really sorry. It didn’t mean anything, I promise.”

“You don’t have to apologise, I don’t know why I brought it up, it doesn’t matter, I don’t want to seem all controlling-”

“And you’re right,” I continued as if I was never interrupted. “I’m not dating anyone, I’m engaged to you.” I said with a smile.

Louis smiled back hesitantly and he looked utterly confused. I could tell he didn’t know what to say so I spoke up, my face becoming serious “So you didn’t hear what I said before I went to sleep?”

“No, I must have already been asleep.” He said, by the looks of it, he was only becoming more confused. “Why? What about it?”

I decided to answer his first question first, logical right. “Well I wasn’t too sure if you were asleep or not. When I came in here, into your bed, you kinda cuddled up to me.” I explained with an unsure look on my face. I wondered how I was going to tell him what he hadn’t heard last night.

“Oh, right. I guess even my subconscious knows how much I want you in my arms,” he said with a smirk and I chuckled softly. “Anyway, sorry about that, that must have made you uncomfortable.”

“No, no,” I quickly reassured him. “It was fine, I didn’t mind.” I took a breath, pondering how I was going to go about telling him this. Right, I just have to get it over with, it’s not as if it’s a bad thing, just do it, jus-

“So, mind explaining why I woke up in bed with you?” Louis asked and I exhaled. “Not that it was a problem,” he added quickly.

“Uh, I just- I just got lonely in my bed, I wanted to have some company.” I explained.

I saw Louis face fall and he looked back down to his lap, muttering a small ‘oh’. He probably thought I only came here for my own selfish reasons, which isn’t true.

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