2. Explanations

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A/N This fic is written a bit in the future :)

"and who are you?"

The boys visibly stiffened in their seats. They had been moved to surround my bed as I asked the last question. I know this must be hard on them, if they were that close to me.

"You can't remember our names?" The one with dark, almost black, hair said. That was the first time I heard his voice; it was low, gruff and I'm sure any girl would think it was sexy... but of course I don't think that, I'm straight and I don't even know him! I shook my head sadly in answer to his question and he glanced to the other boys, giving them each an upset look.

"And you don't even recognise us?" The brown haired boy that I still didn't know the name of asked, tears that he had finally stopped flowing, filling his eyes again. I shook my head again and a tear fell from his eyes, he buried his face in the blankets covering my bed and ran his hands through his hair, groaning in frustration.

"Well, let me explain," the boy, who I previously learnt was named Liam, spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "My name's Liam, this is Zayn," he pointed to the raven haired bloke sitting next to him, then at the blonde the other side of Zayn "Niall," he explained. "And this," he paused, "is Louis." He stopped and looked at me, searching for any signs of recognition written on my face. I wracked my brain but no matter how much I did, those names meant nothing to me...

I nodded hesitantly after making sure I wouldn't forget any of their names; now that wouldn't be good.

Liam sighed but continued explaining my life to me, "We're all best friends. Do you know the show The X Factor?" He asked me and again, I nodded, "well, we all auditioned as solo artists in 2010 but got put together to form a group. We finished third and we're now a boy band called One Direction. We've released a few albums and had number one singles. I don't know what we're going to do now that you don't remember anything but hopefully most of your memories will return in time so we can get back to normal." He finished then put his head in his hands, sighing loudly.

I didn't know what to say, so instead I just nodded. We sat there in silence for a while before I spoke up again, once everything had sunk in. "So, we're like famous?" I asked slightly dumbfounded.

"Yeah," the blonde haired boy, Niall, said. "We have thousands of screaming girls everywhere we go if that's what you mean."

I nodded again and asked one more question, "How long have we known each other?"

"Over four years," the brunette sitting closest to me explained. Louis... that was his name right? Oh god, I feel so bad. I've known them for four years and I can't even remember their names.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, not being able to look them in the eye.

"What are you sorry for?" Liam asked kindly, "you have nothing to be sorry for mate; none of this is your fault."

"I'm sorry for not remembering you. I'm sorry for making you upset. I'm sorry for being stupid and getting hit by a car. I'm sorry for missing four years of our lives. I'm sorry that you've pretty much lost a friend. It might not be my fault, but I'm still sorry." I somehow gathered the confidence to speak what I was feeling. I felt somewhat inferior to them... maybe it was because they could remember the last four years of our life and I couldn't.

"You don't need to be sorry," Louis said. He moved closer and began to extend his arms towards me. That was before he realized what he was doing and quickly retracted them, and looked down at his lap with a sad expression.

I knew what he was going to do; he was about to hug me before he decided against it. Although I didn't know him, I found some strange connection to all of these boys in the room; I never liked to see people looking upset. I scooted over in my sitting position on the bed and held my hands out to him. I saw him look up from his lap. He looked as though he almost didn't believe what I was doing; his face stunned. For a second, he just looked at me like I was mental. His eyebrows were scrunched into a confuse frown, wondering what I was doing. What? So he didn't actually want to hug me?

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now