27. Trouble...?

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Sorry for the long wait, hope you can forgive me :) so, without further ado... Here is the next update:
(Sorry it's a little on the short side as well...)

I woke up to a dull pain in my back. Turning my head to try to stretch it out, I felt something hard yet comfortably warm beneath me. I opened my eyes and became accustomed to my surroundings. My head was on Louis thighs, my body wrapped in on itself, which explained the discomfort in my back. Louis was laid back on my bed, his head on my pillow, while I had apparently used his lap as mine.

I heard a soft grunt and lifted my head from Louis legs to look at him. His head snapped round to look at me, obviously noticing that I was now awake. In his hand was his phone and as his hand came to stroke my hair, I saw an uncertain grimace on his face.

“Morning,” he tried to smile at me, but his voice was flat and his eyes nervous.

I immediately shuffled up the bed quickly to lay by his side, quickly trying to get out of the only half awake stage I was in. “What’s wrong?” I asked, rubbing my hand over his as I spoke.

He bit his lip, his eyes wandering all over my face and I could tell he was wondering how to answer me and whether he should tell me what was bothering him. “Don’t worry, you can tell me,” I encouraged as I tilted my head, leaning it on his shoulder.

“Um…” he took a breath and nudged his shoulder so that my head rolled off. Realising that this was probably a serious conversation, I sat up straight and looked up at him. He had turned his body to face mine, so I did the same and nodded at him to continue.

“You remember that twitcam we did yesterday?” Again, I nodded. “Well, when I turned off the webcam and put my laptop on the floor, it turns out that I didn’t actually turn off the twitcam properly, and everyone watching could still see, and hear, everything.”

I sat there for a moment, comprehending the information. If we hadn’t stopped the twitcam and people could still see what we were doing, they would have seen Louis and I cuddling, then exchanging our ‘I love you’s… “Oh,” I breathed, not knowing how to take that. I mean, we would have to come out anyway, and everyone already knew about us being together before. But at the same time, I didn’t want the whole world knowing, I wanted Louis to be my little secret; one that only our friends and family knew about. Although, a relationship like that would be horribly difficult to hide from the public eye, especially with us being as popular as it seemed.

“Yeah,” Louis responded, apparently lost for words as well. “I’m sorry,” he sighed as his gaze dropped down to his lap. “I know you didn’t want it to come out yet, and I should have been more careful about it. This was my fault, I’m sorry,” he said, his eyes still not meeting mine.

“It’s alright. It would have come out one way or another anyway. There are things a lot worse, don’t worry. And don’t blame yourself for this.” I told him sternly.

Finally, his eyes met mine and I could see they were full of worry, and nerves. “That isn’t all,” he fiddled with his hands nervously so I reached out, grabbing them in my own. “Not all the people… agreed, with our decision. Sure, some of our fans were happy, others were annoyed that we thought we keep it from them; some are unsure of the idea of us getting back together after you had your memory loss, then there’s some who are just being homophobic twats. And it won’t take long for the rest of the media to catch on… God, why can’t this just be simple,” Louis groaned, burying his head in his hands.

It took me a while to think over that, but then I asked the only question that came to mind. “What about before, weren’t people like this when we were together before?”

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