12. Louis

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Reminder that it is back to Harry's POV for probably the remainder of the story :)

Dedication to @wonderlustt for the comments! I love you - thanks x

Harry POV:

Niall had finished his little explanation about how he and Jordan had met and all of us wore giddy smiles. Well, his explanation wasn’t exactly little, it was like he was reciting a whole novel. Plus, he wouldn’t let any of us interrupt until he was finished.

So when he stopped talking and looked at us for support, we jumped onto him, hugging him and telling him how we were ‘so happy for you’ and ‘he seems perfect’. Of course, we didn’t say anything bad, that would leave him even more heart broken and just seeing that smile of genuine happiness on his face as he told his story showed us that Jordan already meant an awful lot to him.

Soon after we had all finished embracing, we all headed off to bed. I walked down the hall and stopped as I reached Louis’ door. I pushed it open the tiniest amount, not wanting to disturb him, and looked inside. Louis was laid flat on his stomach, his head tilted to the side on his pillow as he slept.

I could see dried up tear tracks down his face and immediately couldn’t help feeling sorry for him. Despite what he said to Niall, he must have had a reason to get so upset and it tugged a heartstring for me. I couldn’t bear to see any of my friends like this, and even more so, Louis.

He had always been there since the accident and I knew in my mind that he was there for me before that also. He had been the one trying so hard to help me regain my memory, getting so happy when I remember one little thing and just generally being a good friend.

I walked over, placing a soft kiss to his hair as he slept, and walked swiftly across to my room, before going to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I wondered how Louis would act that day. I don’t know what would happen, yesterday’s events weren’t forgotten and I imagine that they would have to be talked about some time soon.

I walked into the kitchen, only wearing my boxers from last night. Louis, Liam and Niall were all in the kitchen, Liam and Niall sitting at the dinner table while Louis was waiting for the kettle to boil.

“Morning,” Liam smiled, greeting me through his mouthful of cheerio’s.

“Urg, Liam, close your mouth, nobody wants to see your food,” Louis said, although it wasn’t in a hurtful or mean way, he was joking about it; just as he would have yesterday morning. Liam smiled back at him cheekily before spooning some more of the cereal into his mouth.

Could things really go back to normal this quickly?

Who knows, maybe Niall and Louis had already discussed their differences and everything was all sunshine and roses again. But then I noticed Niall had kept his head down facing his food the entire time. He had lifted it momentarily to smile a ‘hello’ to me, then returned his gaze to the wooden table, ignoring Louis and Liam as they talked.

“Cup of tea?” Louis offered once the kettle has finished boiling. Liam declined while Niall stayed silent, so Louis looked to me. “Haz?” he asked, looking over his shoulder as he walked over to the cupboard where our mugs were stored.

“Um, yes please,” I answered. Louis makes the best cups of tea; I would never turn one down. Wait, how do I know that? He hasn’t made me a cup of tea since… since I couldn’t remember.

I walked up to Louis and hugged hum from behind, wrapping my arms around his stomach. “You make great cups of tea,” I murmured in his ear. He turned so our faces were almost touching, and smiled. Then his face twisted in confusing and he must have realized the same thing that I had, and he engulfed me in his arms, hugging me tightly.

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