18. Niall

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Dedicated to @Sophie_Vasquez for the lovely comment, glad you like my writing! But all the comments made me smile so much - i wish i could dedicate this to you all :D

“So, you talked to him?” Niall strolled into my room as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I had left Louis' room only a few minutes ago and flopped down on my bed until I heard the blonde enter my room.

“Yeah,” I sighed. Niall looked down at me, knowing something was up. I guess that's what you get when your four friends know you better than you do.

“What happened?”

“Well,” I began, wondering where to start and what I should tell him. “We talked things over and he apologised to me.”

“That's good, right?” he said and I nodded, “Then what happened?”

“Umm, we kissed,” I said hesitantly, deciding not to keep anything from him. It didn't really make any difference with him knowing what had happened between Louis and I.

“You kissed?” Niall almost shrieked. He had a wide smile on his face and was almost bouncing with giddiness.

“Yes...” I confirmed, raising my eyebrows, wondering why he was acting like this. Then I remembered something.

Louis and I were sitting on the couch in our living room. Louis had placed himself on my lap with his head resting in the crook of my neck while my arm was around his back, drawing patterns over his shirt with my fingers.

“So you're dating now? Like properly dating? Boyfriends?” Niall asked from the opposite sofa where he was sat with Liam and Zayn.

“Yes Niall,” I replied. “We made it official yesterday.”

“About an hour before we told you guys,” Louis added. Of course, we had told the boys almost as soon as it had happened; they were our best friends and deserved to know everything.

“Finally!” Niall exclaimed, “It's about time you two got together. I mean, you are obviously perfect for each other and you are so cute together - this is so great!”

“Niall...” Louis started, eyeing the Irishman suspiciously. “Are you a secret Larry fanboy?” he asked cheekily, smirking to himself as he let his hand fiddle with the hairs at the back of my neck.

“Well,” Niall looked down to the floor sheepishly. “I guess it’s not much of a secret anymore,” he smiled at Louis and I as he observed our seating positions.

“Honestly...” Louis shook his head in mock disbelief. He turned to me, looking me in the eyes and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him, and before I could register what was happening, we were leaning in towards each other.

Our lips connected in a soft, passionate kiss. We moved our lips against each others and I smiled into the kiss. Louis pulled away after not too long, not wanting to go any further with the others watching us.

I looked to the other couch where the others were smiling at us. Niall looked like he was going to explode with an overexcited smile on his face.

“Looks like Niall is a secret Larry shipper,” Louis whispered in my ear.

“Harry? What'ya thinking?” Niall's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I saw him looking at me with a concerned expression.

“Um, I just remembered something,” Niall looked at me, silently asking me to explain further. “That time Lou and I first kissed in front of you guys.”

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now