24. The Interview

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Errr, not going to dedicate this to anyone cuz i have no one to dedicate it to... Comment one the chapters to get a dedication :D

“What?” Louis asked, confused as he made his way over to the side of the pool. “I thought we were being given a few months off work.”

“Yeah,” Liam whispered, “so did I. But I just got a message from management saying that we have to be ready for an interview on some tv program at midday tomorrow.”

I froze at his words. Tomorrow I had to participate in an interview with these boys… and I had no clue what to do.

Liam scrolled through his phone as the rest of us slowly climbed out of the pool. “Harry,” he addressed me. “You don’t have to attend the interview if you don’t want to; since this is still probably a bit of a daunting experience and you can’t remember any of your media training.” I nodded cautiously, biting my upper lip. I was scared to say the least. But at the same time, I didn’t want to be left out of anything or let the rest of the band down because I didn’t want to go.

“So why do we have to do it?” Niall asked, “What is the point in the interview anyway if we aren’t even ‘introducing Harry back into the band’ or whatever?” he gestured aimlessly, looking a little worried and confused.

“I don’t know?” Liam raised his hands in surrender, “Something about wanting to keep the band going and so that fans don’t lose interest if we’re not doing anything for a while.” Liam grumbled as he re-read the message. “It is only a small one, so if Harry was willing to come with us, it would be the perfect opportunity for him to get back into everything… Not that you have to if you don’t want to.” He quickly added after seeing my unsure expression.

“No,” I convinced myself as well as the others. “I’d like to come with you; I wouldn’t like to let you down by not being there.”

“It’s alright,” Louis said, quickly wrapping me up in a towel as I clambered out of the pool. I tightened it around my body, enjoying the small amount of warmth it gave. “You don’t have to join us if you don’t think you’re ready yet.” He wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind and began rubbing up and down in an attempt to get me warm and dry.

“I’ll do it,” I concluded.

So that’s how I ended up, the next morning, rushing in to Louis room, in a complete panic.

“What am I supposed to wear? How should I do my hair? What if I say something stupid? When are we leaving? I need to have a shower. God, I’m going to make us all late… What happens if I wet myself during the interview?” I asked in a rush.

Louis chuckled, flashed me a soft smile and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to calm me down. “Harry, don’t stress.” He said, sounding overly calm about this whole situation. “You will do absolutely fine. I will get out an outfit for you to wear, our stylist will do your hair, and you have plenty of time to get ready, so don’t worry. It doesn’t matter if you say or do something stupid because we all do it; we just like our interviews to be casual and fun so we all say pretty weird stuff and just have a laugh about it.” He smiled at me, answering my questions one at a time. I hugged him tight, just needing his reassurance right now. “And if this is all too stressful, you really don’t have do it if you don’t want to.” He added and I shook my head.

I took a few deep breaths, calming myself. “I’ll be fine, thank you Lou. And I don’t want to be left out by the rest of you guys,” I said jokingly.

“Good. Now go and have a shower, I will leave your clothes out for you on your bed.” He explained and I left, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

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