6. Best Friends?

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Dedication goes to @Marlelee for all the great comments and feedback on this fic :)

Thanks to all of you for reading this :) x

When were pulled out of the car park, Zayn looked at me from the seat on the other side of Louis. “So what do you think?” he asked.

I knew he was talking about regaining my memory since that was all we really talked about in that meeting. “I don’t know… I feel like I want to remember you guys. It’s like a part of me is trying to help me remember but another part is stopping it… Everything’s just confusing,” I sighed.

“Don’t stress mate, everything will come back to you eventually, just one little thing at a time,” he smiled reassuringly at me and I returned the gesture. I felt a connection to these boys. I really liked them - they seemed like great lads, even if I knew almost nothing about them. It was as if I was being told I should like them and we were made to be best friends.

I went back to staring absentmindedly out of the window, watching the trees race past. The radio was playing and without even thinking about it, I was humming along to the song. The chorus arrived and I began to murmur the lyrics softly to myself. I really liked that song; it was upbeat but felt like if had a special meaning behind the lyrics.

I suddenly heard a voice behind me and turned to see Louis harmonizing with my voice. I hadn’t realised I was singing that loud in front of them. Louis had a beautiful voice, I thought. Then I remembered we were in a boy band with tonnes of fans, of course his voice was bound to be amazing.

“If only you saw what I can see, you’ll understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe you don’t know-oh-oh…” Louis and I both sang in time with the music from the car speakers, our voices melding together perfectly and I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe this was what it was like before I lost my memory…

“How do you know this song?” Zayn asked and I looked around to see all four boys staring at me inquisitively; even Liam, who was struggling to look at me and the road ahead of us at the same time.

“I don’t know, I just guess I’ve heard it on the radio a lot,” I explained. It suddenly dawned on me that I probably shouldn’t know that song, considering my memory loss, and I wondered how I did know it.

“That’s one of our songs.” Niall said and I whipped my head up to look at him.

“What?” I said, not entirely understanding what was going on.

“That is our song; it was our very first single. This isn’t the radio – I put our first album in to see if it jogged any of your memories,” Niall said.

My mouth just hung open and I looked to Louis who was sitting next to me smiling like a little kid.

Zayn turned to face me, smiling also. “See what I told you mate, your memory will come back one step at a time.” I grinned widely at him and Louis’ arm found its way around my shoulders once again as he pulled me into his chest. I relaxed into his muscular torso as I fisted the material of his shirt in my hands. I smiled up at him and saw him smile as widely as humanly possible and hug me tighter before letting me go. This must feel good to him, watching his best friend regain his memory, however slow it was.

About five minutes later, the hype of me remembering something had faded and everyone had returned to idly looking out the windows. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis look to me, then slowly let his head down to rest it on Zayn’s shoulder. Zayn looked down at the boy and wrapped his arm around Louis’ back and rubbed up and down his side.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now