28. Keep Your Friends Close

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Only five days to update this time... it would have been four, but my internet wasn't letting me post it yesterday... -_-

Eventually, both Louis and I had showered and got dressed, heading down the hallway to get some breakfast. I took a glance in the open door to the lounge, only to see a couple making out on the couch. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but when I took the sight in, I noticed it was Niall, obviously having invited Jordan over. The Irishman had his hands in Jordan’s light brown hair, oblivious to everything going on outside their little bubble.

I coughed, rather loudly, and they immediately pulled away from each other, turning to face me. Niall had a scowl on his face, while Jordan looked slightly nervous, of what I didn’t know – I wouldn’t be angry at him just for kissing his boyfriend.

“What?” Niall snapped at me. Wow, he obviously didn’t like being interrupted.

“Comfy, are you?” I asked, noting how he was cuddled up on top of Jordan’s lap.

“Yes I am actually,” he stated with no shame. “And you’re one to talk - I saw you with Louis this morning,” Niall sent a smirk to me.

I blushed, but a small smile still crept onto my face.

“Ooh, is everything good with you and Louis then?” Jordan asked, Niall obviously hadn’t told him everything.

“Yeah,” I replied, “We-” I began, but was cut off by Niall.

“Ok, that’s good, now fuck off,” I was about to complain, but he had already slammed his lips to Jordan’s as if they had never been interrupted. God that boy was impatient.


“Come on Haz, leave them alone, I thought you wanted breakfast?” This time it was Louis cutting me off. I sighed, closing the door to give them a little privacy, before joining Louis in the kitchen.

He stood there, just staring at me for a few moments, before smiling and opening his arms. I fell into them immediately, feeling relaxed in his hold.

He pulled back, holding onto my shoulders and looking at me with a smile on his face. “You know if you interrupt them, they’ll only get you back sometime,” he said.

“Yeah, whatever,” I grumbled.

Louis leaned forward, kissing my pouted lips, then stepped away from me. He watched me for a moment, before breaking into a big, giddy grin.

“What?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowed as I looked across at him.

“I just…” he pause, still smiling. “Part of me still can’t believe that you’re still here, with me. That you’re not going to run off after I kiss you. I just find it amazing how, even though you don’t know me all that well, you’re still willing to give us a shot and aren’t scared to be with me.”

Smiling like an idiot myself, I engulfed him in a hug, resting my head on his shoulder while he rubbed my back with his hand.

“In my mind, I might not know you all that well, but I remember parts from before and the one thing I do know is that I loved you. So why would that change now? I’m willing to give us a shot because, if I was getting married to you before, I must have liked something about you!” I smirked and he chuckled.

When it went silent with us both thinking, I spoke up again. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

Louis raised his eyebrows, and then I saw that look of thoughtfulness on his face, before he finally replied, “Of course, but as long as I can ask you something.”

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now