8. Just Like Before

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Dedication goes to @KatValentine264 because she's amazing and commented the most lovely things on this fic :) Thanks x

It was getting late in the evening when my mum left. She had stayed for dinner with us and now that she had gone, the five of us lads had put a movie in to watch.

We had chosen to watch iron man on DVD. We spread ourselves over the two sofas; Liam was sat next to Niall, who was sitting next to me while Zayn and Louis shared the other couch.

Once the movie had ended, I looked over at the couch opposite us. Zayn and Louis had moved so that Louis had his legs across Zayn’s and his back against the armrest. He had his arms around Zayn’s back and Zayn’s arm was over Louis’ shoulder, bringing them closer together.

They looked so adorable like that; cuddled together. I couldn’t help but think that it was the third time I had seen them like this. They just seemed too comfortable…

“Um,” I started, getting everyone’s attention. “Are you two… y’know… like, dating?” I asked Zayn and Louis, extremely hoping I hadn’t made things awkward if I got the wrong response.

I looked to them to see looks of shock and surprise on their faces – oops, maybe I shouldn’t have asked that. Then suddenly, the two of them looked each other in the eyes and burst out into laughter. It took a minute before they composed themselves and Zayn looked to me.

“Nah mate, we’re not together,” he explained casually and I just smiled awkwardly. “I guess we are just pretty close.”

“Don’t worry mate, all of us are just really close with each other. We’re just really comfortable around each other,” Louis said and I just nodded, smiling back at him.

“Ok, sorry for asking, I was just wondering…” I trailed off.

“It’s alright man I guess anyone who didn’t know us might suspect something,” Zayn reassured me. I swear I saw Louis’ face drop as if Zayn had just reminded him that I didn’t know them. I still feel really bad, even though I know it’s not my fault.

We soon got up and headed back to our separate bedrooms; it was getting late now. I was last out of the room, and I saw Zayn linger back.

“He would do the same with you, if he wasn’t so worried about making you uncomfortable,” Zayn mumbled. I turned to answer him, make him spill more on the topic, but he had rushed off down the hall, and quickly darted into one of the rooms.

I slowly walked back to my room, thinking. When Zayn had said ‘he’, he was obviously referring to Louis. But Louis and I had already had that talk; I had confirmed to him that he was fine to act how we used to, and I wouldn’t get uncomfortable. So he shouldn’t still be worried about it, should he?

I got to my room and stripped off my clothes (but keeping my boxers on this time). It was far too hot to sleep with clothes on anyway. I slipped under the covers and reached for my phone. Unlocking it, I scrolled through all the apps there.

From that day back in the hospital, Louis had left my phone so there weren’t many photos, only a few of us boys hanging out as well as some photos of places I’m assuming we had been as a band. The majority of my messages had been deleted but I had been left with most of my apps. Although that turned out to be a problem when I noticed that the social networking ones, like Twitter and Instagram, had been logged out and, considering I had amnesia, I couldn’t remember my username or password.

I played on a few of the apps I was able to for a while, before I felt my eyelids begin to droop. Placing the phone back on the bedside table, I rolled over in my bed, finding a comfortable position to sleep.

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