19. A Visit From Jordan

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Dedicating this chapter to someone was so hard as different people left such nice coments - and for that I am very grateful :D But i have chosen to dedicate this to @TWmypersonalsoldiers for the lovely comments that just gave me confidence and made me smile :)

I had stayed in my room for the remainder of yesterday. I missed dinner due to my afternoon nap (not that I was hungry anyway) and didn’t have the energy to do anything else but laze in my room.

After just waking up the next day with that grumbling feeling in my stomach, I reluctantly got out of bed to make myself some breakfast. The others were no where to be seen, maybe they were still in bed, but it wasn’t that early.

I made up a pancake mix and turned the hob on, figuring that I would treat us all with some breakfast pancakes. I just hope I don’t mess up and they taste as good as Louis’ did.

As I fried the pancakes I heard footsteps down the hallway. Niall entered the room moments later, followed closely by Liam and Zayn.

“Yum, pancakes! Thanks Haz,” Niall exclaimed as he and the others took a seat at the kitchen table. I finished the pancakes one at a time and placed them on a plate for the others to get.

When I had finished making the pancakes, I sat down next to the others who were already half way through their pancakes as I took my first bite… hmm, these weren’t bad.

“So, Harry,” Niall said to get my attention, I looked at him and nodded, “I was thinking about inviting Jordan over today, is that alright with you?” Niall asked, looking at me with big eyes.

“Of course, that is fine.” I reassured the Irishman, “I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Great,” Niall said then his face dropped. “What about Louis? He won’t want Jordan over here.”

“Hey,” I said trying to raise his spirits, “It doesn’t matter what Louis wants; he’s your boyfriend.” Niall smiled at me, “I’ll go talk to Louis and if he really doesn’t want to see Jordan, he can stay in his room.”

“Ok thanks,” Niall said, still smiling but looking unsure about it. “And I’d be careful talking to Louis, you know what happened last time,” he winked at me and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Why? What happened?” Liam asked and great, thanks a lot Niall…

Niall looked at me expectantly, smirking in a way that said ‘go on Harry, why don’t you tell them what happened?’ I groaned. “We kissed,” I said dismissively, hoping that we could move on from this topic.

“What? Really?” Liam said, his expression mirroring Zayn’s shocked (yet somewhat happy) one.

I nodded cautiously and looked down at my half eaten food, avoiding their eyes. “So what’s going on with you then? Are you together?” Zayn asked, leaning forward in his seat, trying to capture my eyes.

“No, it’s just… well… it’s a long story,” I sighed, leaving it at that. “I’m going to go and get dressed.” And with that, I grabbed the remains of my pancake and placed my dish in the dishwasher, leaving the room.

Once I was freshened up and dressed, I headed out of my room to Louis’, remembering that he was yet to know our plans for the day. I knocked softly on the door before pushing it open, Louis was standing next to his wardrobe, straightening out his striped t-shirt.

“Umm, Hi Lou,” I said, hating that there was still awkwardness between us.

“Hey,” Louis replied, raising his eyes, probably wondering why I was in his room.

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