3. Going Home

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A/N Thanks so much for reading this :) I have a bit of a longer chapter for you guys!

I awoke from a deep, much needed sleep and felt something tingling on my arm. Quickly peeling my eyes open, I saw a young man sitting by my bed, his hand running down my arm. I quickly retracted my arm, slightly scared and looked to his face. He looked hurt and exhausted. Looking up, I immediately recognised those wisps of brown hair. In a rush, all the memories from the previous day returned and I looked into his eyes, remembering how sad and tearful they were yesterday, and smiled gently at him.

“Sorry Louis,” I murmured.

“It’s ok, didn’t mean to,” he replied vaguely and took his hand, placing it in his lap along with the other one.

There was an awkward silence in which neither of us knew what to say and we were both avoiding each others glances. “Where are the others?” I finally spoke up and Louis turned to look me in the eye.

“Oh, they went across the street to get some food,” he explained.

“What about you, weren’t you hungry?”

“Not really, but I promised myself I would stay with you. So there would be someone you know when you woke up… well kinda,” he trailed off and looked down at his lap again.

I sat up in my bed and without thinking, lifted a hand to his chin and raised it so he was looking at me. He sighed and smiled genuinely at me before sitting up straight and wiping a tear threatening to fall, from his eye.

“Look, I’m sorry for putting you through all this. But I’ll remember you in time, I promise,” I said, smiling reassuringly at him. He returned the smile, a hopeful glint to his eyes. I sure hoped I could keep that promise.

“Just wondering,” he started. “How much do you remember?”

“I remember my childhood; I vaguely remember the start of high school. But I don’t recall any of my friends… sorry…”

“We’ve got food!” Niall shouted out as the doors suddenly swung open and the remaining boys walked in, carrying paper bags with some take-away food in them. Louis let out a small chuckle at them and… wow. That was the first time I’d heard him laugh genuinely, well since the accident. It was just a good feeling, I didn’t want him to feel down all the time and his giggle was almost captivating.

Niall handed Louis one of the bags he was holding and Louis took it gratefully and began eating what looked like a burger, along with the rest of the boys.

“What about me?” I asked, I don’t know if I expected them to get me any food or not, but they were all eating and as far as I know, I hadn’t eaten in over a week.

“Sorry, you’re only allowed to eat hospital food until you’re let out.” Niall said but continued to chomp on his food in front of me, almost mocking me. I hadn’t really noticed until now, but I was starving.

I groaned and laid back onto the bed. “Do you guys know when I’m gonna be let out of here?” I asked to no-one in particular.

“The nurse said she would come in when you woke and take some tests. Yesterday everything was working fine and the said that they can’t do anything more for you here, the best thing would be to come home and hopefully regain your memory.” Liam explained, he seemed like the leader of the group – always know what’s going on, helping and reassuring everyone.

“Thanks,” I said and closed my eyes, back against the headboard of the bed.

Soon, the nurse from yesterday entered and gave me some soup before taking many tests to make sure all my vital organs were functioning properly. She finished recording everything down and ate my soup, which was disgusting but I wasn’t expecting it to be good anyway. I was told that I could leave as soon as I was ready but to take plenty of rest, not over-exert myself and to take the medication gave me for god knows what.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now