Chapter 39 (Epilogue to follow soon)

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Ahhhh you guys I'm so sorry for the long has been crazy over recent month...anyway guys this is basically the last chapter...epilogue will follow soon..thank you to everyone who has read this and been patient while I wrote this its been a pleasure to write and I will miss writing about this story.hank you for all your support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"What the hell happened" Katie gasped as they stood in the cold car park.

Katie's hand grasping Ally's chin lightly as she examined Ally's dry blooded swollen lip.

"Nothing" Ally mumbled as she moved out of Katie's grip.

"Ally..that's not nothing..tell me" Katie snapped as Ally's saddened eyes locked with hers.

Ally was words away from letting it all out...telling Katie about Jane's both their careers were on the line all because of Ally.

She could confess all now, it was Jane that punched her, that was forcing her to flee the country in a matter of days.

"Ally" Katie snapped breaking the nurse from her gaze.

"What is going on with can't just turn up here looking like that and drunk"

"Oh give it a rest" Ally mumbled as Katie frowned.

"You can't expect me to be all smiley smiley while you ask me to marry you one day and have that conniving little bitch in there beside you" Ally snapped even thinking about Jane's smug face was making her more angry by the second.

Katie sighed as she took a step closer to Ally.

Lacing their fingers together as Katie felt Ally's soft hands between hers as she glanced up to meet Ally's saddened eyes.

"You know I love you Al...I can tell Jane now if that's what you want..I'll walk in there and tell her you are the one I love and want to spend my life with..not her..whatever you want Ally I'll do it..I'm just worried about've been acting weird lately..just let me in babe" Katie said as Ally gulped.

Could she really let Katie know about everything, it was obvious Katie loved her.

She could see it in Katie's eyes..Ally was in charge. Ally had Katie's heart in her hands and she was petrified to what she was going to do.

"No" Ally sighed

"I'm sorry ok..let's just wait until after the wedding...when things calm down then we can be together" Ally said as she slowly broke her own heart with her words she watched Katie smile at her.

Ally was lying to herself and in a few days time Katie would realise she lied to her too.

Ally knew there was no way she could take everything away from Katie that's why as soon as this wedding was over.

She hated the idea of letting Jane get what she wanted but Ally knew for Katie to have any sort of a future as a Surgeon, Ally could never be apart of it..


"I'll see you tomorrow" Shel grinned nervously as Rach bit her lip nodding.

Ally rolled her eyes as the couple gave each other short and sweet kisses before Shel finally left their flat leaving Ally and Rach to their own devices the night before Rach's wedding.

"Well here's to your future" Ally said as she handed her best friend and a glass of wine and cradled her own as she sat on the couch.

"I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow" Rach sighed contently as she sipped sensibly on her wine.

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