Chapter 27

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Ally sat quietly as she watched Sandra sleep peacefully surrounded by IV drips and monitors, it saddened Ally to see her boss like this.

A woman who spent her whole career looking after her patients was now dying in the same hospital she had spent 20 years of her a career. She had never chosen to marry or have kids.

Her work was her life and she enjoyed every day despite having to tame the younger nurses such as Ally. Even though Ally had only worked with Sandra for a year she had learnt so much off her old boss.

She learnt how to be more passionate about her job, embrace every operation she was involved it..changing that patients life. She was a part of it and Ally owed her new way of doing her job to Sandra.

Sure they didn't see eye to eye a lot of the times but Sandra was there for Ally especially in the months when Katie had came back into her life..although not entirely comfortable with Ally's honesty of her relationship with Katie.

Sandra was still always there to at least support Ally if not guide her in the right direction..

The hospital door slowly clicked open and Katie's head appeared around it glancing at Sandra and then giving Ally a weak smile as she entered the room.

"How is she" Katie asked gripping a chair from the corner of the room and placing it quietly next to Ally as she sat down.

"Still sleeping..she hasn't woken up...what did Dr. Watts have to say" Ally replied as she twisted in her chair to face her ex wife, she knew by Katie's face it wasn't good.

Katie had to break bad news to patients and family members all the time but Ally knew how Katie worked.

She was married to her long enough to know when her ex wife was aching inside as she had to tell bad news.

"Why don't we go for a walk" Ally asked as Katie's eyes locked with her own, the Surgeon gave a quick nod as Ally placed a sweet kiss on Sandra's forehead and followed her ex wife out onto the corridor.


Ally and Katie walked in silence towards the benches of a quiet park a short distance from the hospital.

Ally could sense Katie had bad news as she stayed quiet clutching her cup of coffee in her hand as her eyes focused on the ground.

Despite having there ups and plenty of downs the last few days Ally breathed out a content sigh, for these few moments she blocked out everything.

Sandra being sick, Jane, all that mattered was being here right now with Katie just like old times they had a comfortable silence between them.

As Ally took a seat on the wooden bench she watched as Katie's eyes closed for a couple of seconds as she inhaled the fragrance of freshly cut grass.

"Soooo" Ally said as she watched Katie finally taking a seat beside her. Katie looked into her ex wife's eyes.

She hated breaking news to anyone but especially when it was someone she loved. She didn't want to see Ally's eyes in any more pain she had caused enough of it herself the last couple of weeks.

"It's not good babe" Katie finally said

"She's got pneumonia..they repeated some scans this morning and she has four new tumours in her lungs, bowel and liver, the best thing they can do is make her comfortable" Katie said quietly as Ally listened her tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Ally began to sob as Katie pulled her tightly into her chest. She knew how much Ally had respected and loved Sandra.

Katie hate breaking bad news to people and her heart broke as she held Ally in her arms while she sobbed. Katie wanted to be here for Ally..she needed to be here.

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