Chapter 13

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"Ow ow ow ow" Ally groaned as Shel apologised helping her to a chair in the waiting room of the hospital.

"My clutz of a mate over there decided to kick a radiator after a domestic with her other half..she needs to be seen" Rach declared to the receptionist who's eyes furrowed as she began clicking on her computer.

"Her name" the dry toned woman asked

"Alison Harris" Rach chirped "no wait" she held a T shape with her hands and she twirled around to look at the brunette who was wincing in pain.

"Ally...are you Alison Harris or Alison Thomas" Rach asked as Ally glared at her

"Harris" Ally gritted through her teeth..she had spent an hour after Katie stormed out of her flat crying into her pillow..the pain in her heart from Katie and the pain from kicking the stupid radiator in fury. It was only when she stopped sobbing and noticed how swollen and red her foot had actually became that she knew she needed to go to get it checked. So Rach and Shel carried her 2 blocks down towards the tube station before finally calling in defeat when Rach called Ally a fat bitch and said she couldn't carry her anymore, they flagged a taxi to the hospital. Rach insisted on calling Katie several times to which Ally snapped a short and harsh no...

"You heard the lady" Rach replied removing her T shape gesture with her hands she was back in the game answering questions. After giving the rest of the details Rach joined her best mate and girlfriend as she watched the sweat begin to drip from Ally's forehead..the girl was in pain..Ally never liked to trouble people when it came to her own health..she was a nurse..helping sick people is what she does but when it came to her own health she didn't like to fuss..Rach learnt this about her flat mate only a month after the brunette moved in with her..she hadn't seen much of Ally for a few days except hearing the constant door slamming between Ally's room and the bathroom door. Rach knew something wasn't quite right. They were still only acquaintances not quite met the friend status but yet they shared their common interests of French wine and watching reruns of Friends every night. Rach thought it was only right she checked on Ally..after a few knocks on the bathroom door with no reply she opened the door to the fresh smell of vomit in the air as a half dead Ally cradle the toilet bowl on the floor..turns out Ally wasn't the best nurse for looking after herself..she ended up spending the night in this very same A&E department getting fluids flushed into her for a viral infection she had pick up in work a few days before. Ally knew after a night of vomiting and shitting in front of Rach that they would soon skip the friends status and become the very best of friends to where they are now..Rach holding Ally's leg well above her shoulder

"I seen this on casualty babe..above heart level" Rach beamed keeping Ally's leg rested on her shoulder. Despite the crippling pain in her foot Ally managed a weak smile god she loved this girl.

"Come on it's been an hour and she still hasn't gotten anything for the pain...she fucking works here for god sake doesn't she get some staff ticket straight through to the hard drugs" Rach waffled on as the stern faced receptionist didn't look one bit amused by the hippie.

"I'll pass on that riveting request to the doctor but until then she will just have to wait her turn" the lady replied dropping her gaze back to her computer screen as Rach remained standing in her spot not taking her eyes off the receptionist.

"Can I help you with something else" the receptionist finally asked after ignoring Rach for two solid minutes. Rach glanced around at where Ally was sitting..her eyes clamped shut with the pain as Shel stroked Ally's hair as a sign of comfort. Ally would kill her for this but thank her in the long term if it meant she could get her hands on some drugs to dampen the pain.

"Yeh you can actually...I need you to ring Ms. Thomas she some fancy surgeon here" Rach kept her voice low enough that the receptionist could just about hear her.

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