Chapter 18

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Wound healing part 2 of the book :D

3 years later...

As the plane's tyres collided along the run way of Heathrow airport, Ally's heart raced deep in her chest. This was it..the day she dreaded since leaving this miserable weather and starting fresh or at least to try.

She stared out into the mist of terminal 1in the far distance, no matter how much she was dreading coming back, it was still home.

It was still the country she was born and raised, her friends were here, family still settled in Brighton and Katie was here...

3 years is a long time being away. Ally had decided to leave London as soon as her divorce was finalised.

She needed to get away, maybe she was running away from her life but it seemed the right thing to do at the time.

Before leaving she eventually made it back to work after breaking her foot, persuading Sandra to let her work with her in the check in desk, it wasn't long before she was scrubbing back into surgeries.

Her relationship with Katie was strained..they were both clearly hurting and having to see each other most days wasn't after Katie got hold of her solicitor in Africa they were officially divorced within a couple of months.

There was no hatred between them, they were civil as they could be, small talking and always polite to one another but theres only so much you can say to the woman who's heart you broke and ending any chance of happiness together.

Ally needed to get away, spread her wings and start living a life she could begin to appreciate again. As a divorcee hitting her late twenties what did she have to lose.

So she packed up her job and booked a trip around the world. It was exactly what Ally needed. She travelled almost a year through India and Asia before finally making it to Australia were she settled for the next two years of her life.

Working in the Royal Melbourne hospital she found a new love for orthopaedic surgeries, she had even undergone a managerial course and was now a qualified clinical nurse manager.

As much as she enjoyed the lifestyle in Melbourne, meeting new friends and women she still thought about everyone back home. She missed her little sister who was now a mother to a two year old boy called Luke, she missed Rach so much.

It was hard with time difference but they made it work with Skype dates. Whether Rach was drunk and begging her best friend to come home or Ally drunk saying she would book her flights home the next day.

She never did end up booking flights though, not until late last year after Rach had finally mucked up the courage to ask Shel to marry her which brings us back to why Ally was finally back on home turf.

She couldn't wait to be a part of the wedding with Rach asking Ally to be her maid of honour. Ally immediately put in for extended leave to return to London.

Ally didn't know if she would head back to Oz or not but this was her life now, making her own choices and trying her hardest to get by and be happy.

Collecting her bags she pushed her trolley through arrivals her nerves were getting the better of her, she couldn't wait to see Rach and Shel. Rach had been texting Ally on her stop overs ensuring Ally she would be at the airport at least an hour before she was due to arrive.

"There she is" Rach squealed as she jumped up and down on the spot as Ally approached her..

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Rach squealed as she gripped onto Ally tightly squeezing her.

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