Chapter 3

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"Ugh god" Ally mumbled as she hopped out of bed opening her bedroom door a jar, she watched as Shel chatted away to Katie offering her a cup of something hot.

"What the fuck" Rach snapped as she shut the door closed demanding answers from her friend

"I didn't know ok" Ally sighed as she put her hands up in her defence walking around her the blonde she went to pick some clothes to wear.

"How the fuck do you not know if you were married or not" Rach questioned as she sat on Ally's bed arms folded tightly.

"No I mean I thought we were divorced, I signed the papers the night I left Gambia and thought she got it finalised" Ally replied as she slipped a pair of loose track suit bottoms on, she tied her chestnut hair back into a messy bun.

"Why didn't you tell me" Rach eyes furrowed with hurt.

"We are suppose to be friends Ally, if that is even your name" she mumbled sulking as she glared at the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Rach" Ally sighed. Of course she felt bad about keeping it from her but there was nothing she could do to change it now, she sat on the edge of her bed as she entwined her fingers with the blondes who looked up at her with sadness.

"I fucked up Rach before I met you, I made mistakes, broke her heart as well as mine and truth be told I never thought I would see her again until she turned up at work yesterday" Ally explained.

"Yeeeeesterday" Rachel groaned clearly pissed she hadn't told her about it last night.

"Look Rach I know you hate me right now, I will explain everything to you later I promise" she said as she hooked her pinky with Rachel's as Ally pouted her lower lip over her mouth the blonde smiled as she gave her friend a quick hug.

"I'm sorry" Ally mumbled into her friends neck as she pulled back from the embrace and stood up. Ally felt butterflies in her stomach as she gave herself a quick glance in her full length mirror before opening her bedroom door encouraging her friend to come out of the room with her.

"Hey" Katie said as she got to her feet, placing her coffee on the table. The Surgeon felt her heart flutter as she saw Ally coming from her room with the short dreadlocked woman. Ally was dressed in a white tank top and oversized track suit bottoms , this used to be her favourite look of her wife's.

They spent the majority of their first year of marriage lazing around their apartment nursing hangovers, dressing down and eating Chinese. That doesn't mean to say when Ally wore a sexy dress showing off her curves and legs it didn't send Katie's brain on overdrive but she thought Ally's natural beauty was way more sexier. Ally had gained back her sexy curves she had lost towards the end of their marriage, she got a glimpse of the old Ally she knew and loves..loved...

"What are you doing here" Ally replied looking over at Shel who smiled awkwardly as she stood between them nurturing her cup of coffee.

"Can we talk" Katie questioned, Ally nodded after a few seconds she couldn't bear the awkwardness of someone from her past meeting her new friends.

"Come on" Ally said as she headed back towards her room in silence for some privacy. The brunette stood by her door as Katie walked in past her Shel mouthed "she's hot" to Ally as the brunette rolled her eyes and shut the door closed tightly.

Katie smiled to herself as she looked around the messy room. She remembered all the times she would have to clean up after the brunette and how she had nagged her wife to do house chores in their home. Ally didn't seem to lose her ability of making a wardrobe out of a floor.Katie glanced at the bed, this was where Ally lived now, slept here every night without her for the past 9 months.

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