Chapter 38

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"Look Jane I don't know why you are here but I'm really not in the mood for.."

"Ally" Jane snapped as she turned around to face the brunette

"What" Ally replied.

"Sit down and shut the fuck up" Jane said simply as Ally's eyes furrowed suddenly feeling angry.

Who was Jane to speak to her like this...

"Who the hell do you think you are" Ally snapped as her arms tightened across her chest as she glared at Jane who smirked at her.

"Listen here Alison...I know you've been fucking my girlfriend and all about I suggest you sit the fuck down and keep your trampy mouth shut until I tell you to speak" Jane said calmly as Ally gulped and slowly made her way to the sofa whilst Jane disappeared into the kitchen.

Ally knew she could try and run now or text Katie to get her arse over here but what exactly did Jane know about Sandra..did she know everything and how the fuck did she find out.

Ally knew she needed to stay calm..not show any signs of weakness especially when it concerned Jane.

She sat patiently as she heard cupboards being opened and closed in the kitchen.

She felt sick, knowing she was going to have to try and explain her and Katie too...oh sorry I've been fucking my ex wife we never meant for it to happen..that was bull shit..she didn't regret being with Katie..

"This will have to do" Jane sighed as she held two glasses and a bottle of unopened vodka as she sat down opposite a nervous looking Ally. Jane gave Ally the once over as she proceeded to pour to decent glasses of vodka.

"Looking a bit rough there Alison...late night?" Jane asked as she slid the glass of liquid across the table in front of Ally. No mixer...or ice?Ally thought as she tried to keep her cool.

"I'm sorry" Ally mumbled as she reached for her glass. Her eyes shot open as Jane's loud laugh rung through her ears.

"Don't bull shit me" Jane laughed taking a large gulp from her glass and she shuddered through the taste of the neat vodka.

"You aren't sorry...I know you aren't...I knew from the first time I laid eyes on you at the airport you were going to fuck things up for me" Jane continued as she reached down pouring more vodka into her glass.

"It took me a year to worm my way into Katie's really fucked her up..I'll give you that" Jane said raising her glass to Ally and taking another sip as Ally clenched her jaw.

"What do you much" Ally snapped placing her own glass down on the coffee table..the smell of vodka was making her sick at this hour of the morning. Ally's words only caused her to laugh further and she continued to polish off her drink.

"I don't want your stupid me sweetheart I make 3 times the amount what you do in a year" Jane scoffed.

"Then what are you doing here...empty threats are a bit childish don't you think" Ally snapped knowing Jane was trying to intimidate her as much as she could.

"I want you to fuck off back to Australia and never come back" Jane said keeping her voice nice and low as another smirk appeared across her face.

Ally shrugged her shoulders, she could do that..there was no reason her and Katie needed to stick around here anymore after the wedding.

"Fine..We'll leave after the wedding and you won't have to see us ever again" Ally replied casually as she sat back into the couch.

"No no sweetheart..there's no we in this...there is you disappearing out of here...Katie stays here...with me" Jane replied as Ally's jaw clenched snapping her body forward.

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