Chapter 8

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"Morning" Katie greeted her staff as she made her way over to her unconscious patient. Everyone responded with a polite hello except one person, one person who had ignored her for the past week since they returned from Brighton.

Katie still felt nauseous remembering she had kissed some random blonde at the club last week. The way Ally had suddenly closed up again and didn't speak another word of that night to Katie, in fact she didn't speak at all to her.

Katie wanted to explain but she knew Ally being as stubborn as she is that she needed to give Ally space and time to calm down but here Ally was in Katie's surgery about to assist her operating. The staff busied around as Ally counted the instruments. A true pro now she could name them off in her sleep compared to when Katie had first had the brunette in one of her surgeries.

"Ok everyone ready for time out" Katie pronounced as marked her patients neck for her incision line.

"Yes" echoed in agreement as Katie's eyes were firm on a silent Ally.

"Alison" Katie said sternly sure Ally could be in a piss with her outside of work but once anyone walks into her operating room she expects full respect from the staff.

"Yeh ready" Ally mumbled under her mask as her eyes diverted back down to her busy hands.

"We have Mr. Thomas James, DOB 23/07/1949, NKDA, Hospital number is 2354678, he is here for a carotid endarectomy of the left carotid artery with 78% stenosis" Sarah the floating nurse confirmed.

"Any concerns on your part Dr. Hussan" Katie asked as she turned to face the Anaesthetist who glanced over the patient and monitor.

"No concerns Ms. Thomas" he confirmed giving the Surgeon a thumbs up.

"Any concerns with our Nurses regarding Mr. James" Katie asked glancing around the room as Sarah shook her head and said no concerns. Katie looked at Ally who seemed disinterested in even being there.

"Alison" Katie snapped as the brunette glared at her.

"You heard Sarah didn't you, no concerns" she replied dryly as rage filled Katie's one spoke to her like that in her operating theatre.

"Sarah scrub in" Katie ordered as Sarah stared at her confused.

"But Ms. Thomas Al.."

"I said scrub in" Katie snapped as the pale Nurse nodded her head nervously and turned to quickly get ready.

"You can't do that" Ally snapped knowing well Katie was being unreasonable.

"Watch me" Katie replied breaking eye contact as she asked Dr. Hussan if the patient vitals were ok for a slight delay who nodded back with no concerns.

"Fuck this" Ally muttered as she stepped back ripping her scrub suit off and headed for the door.

"Ally where do you think you are going" Katie snapped but the brunette was already out the door before she could get a reply.

"Five minutes and We will commence" Katie confirmed to her a stunned looking operating staff who gave her a nervous nod before pretending to be busy again. Katie stepped back from her patient as she whipped off her scrub suit as lowered her mask to her neck as she headed the direction of Ally. Stomping down the long corridor she noticed Ally storming off towards the nurses' station, Katie quicken up her pace.

"Ally" Katie shouted as she watched the brunette walk into her managers opened door office.

"I don't want to work in vascular anymore" Ally blurted out as Sandra looked up between her glasses as Ally stood with her hand on her hips followed by an angry looking Katie who stood at the door.

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