Chapter 32

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"Slow down" Tiff snapped as she whipped Ally's empty glass from her hand.

"I'm nervous" Ally grumbled gesturing to the bar man to pour her another gin and tonic

"Why because your lady and her lady are going to be better not fuck her in the toilets like you did at my's so unlady like" Tiff grumbled as she snatched the drink from the confused looking barman before Ally could take it.

"Tiff" Ally snapped as Tiff quickly knocked back the drink.

"I don't want to be here...Do you know 6 months ago I couldn't wait to come back here and see everyone and now..I can't even be around Rach because I know she'll some how know I've been lying to her...I've already avoided her and now I've to sit here over dinner especially with Jane going to be here" Ally grumbled as she glanced around the restaurant nervously.

No one was here yet, she could easily just leave and head back to Sandra's.

"Listen drama queen, keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself for the night and Rach won't even know" Tiff replied as she ordered herself another G&T.

"I'm gonna go, just slip out the back door before they come it'll be fine..I'll call Rach on my way home" Ally said as she clutched her handbag over her shoulder.

Ally turned as she began to walk towards the exit she felt a tight grip around her arm.

"You are not fucking leaving me with this bunch of fannies" Tiff warned as tugged the nurse back.

"Sit the fuck down and man up" Tiff snapped as she sat back on the bar stool and handed Ally her own Gin and tonic nodding at the nervous looking bar man to fix her another drink.

Ally glared at Tiff she had only known her a few weeks but she had never seen Tiff lose her temper like this. Tiff was right, she needed to man up.

This was Rach and Shel's wedding celebration and here she was being a selfish slut.

"You're right, thanks Tiff" Ally sighed as her hand rested on Tiff's thigh.

Tiff's face softened as she gave her a quick smile and reassuring nod.

"Well well glad to see you two are enjoying yourselves" Shel beamed beside them causing Ally to jump.

She glanced over Shel's shoulder where Jane was dragging Katie behind her towards the toilets as Rach spoke with the waiter.

Ally rolled her eyes as Katie glanced briefly in her direction clearly about to be warned to stay away from her ex wife for the evening.

"Good to see you babe" Shel said as she gave Ally a quick hug and then the same to Tiff.

"Sorry I haven't been around, I've just been busy with Sandra and that" Ally excused herself as Tiff scoffed a little too loudly knowing exactly what Ally was up to the last couple of weeks.

Ally glared briefly at Tiff as did Shel before gripping Ally's hand and encouraging her to follow her towards Rach and their table.

"Shut the fuck up" Ally grumbled under breath at a smirking Tiff who followed swiftly behind.

"You shut the fuck up" Tiff teased pushing her as she leaned forward whispering slut into Ally's ear and laughing quietly to herself.

"Well well stranger" Rach greeted her best friend with a hug as Ally smiled wrapping her arms around Rach.

"How is Sandra" Rach asked concerned as Ally felt guilty..guilty she was lying to her friend about Katie and guilty that she was letting Katie distract her from Sandra.

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