Chapter 30

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"What I would do for a pair of tits like that" Ally exhaled as she coughed out the thick smoke.

"Easy Alison" Sandra warned as she barely turned to look at the nurse.

Ally knew Sandra was getting weaker and weaker as the days past by.

"Honey from here, your tits look perfect" Tiff whistled as Ally rolled her eyes passing over the joint to the older woman.

"Not happening Tiff" Ally shot back as Sandra gave them both a disappointing look.

"Do you lesbians have to be so vulgar..the poor lady is presenting a show and you two are talking about her like a pair of teenage boys, show the lady some respect" Sandra snapped as she gasped for air.

"It's not as though she can hear us" Ally shot back as she glanced at Tiff who inhaled sharply and remained staring at Ally's boobs.

"Stop" Ally warned covering her chest as she reached to take the spliff from Tiff once again.

"Sorry I forgot only the Surgeon gets a sneak peak nowadays" Tiff teased as Ally rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of...where is your lover tonight" Tiff asked as Ally shrugged her shoulders.

"Working I presume" Ally said casually as Tiff's eyes squinted not looking convinced.

"Lovers Tiff" Tiff asked giggling at herself at her own joke.

"No she just doesn't stalk me every night of the week" Ally shot back getting a dig at Tiff who had spent the last 2 evenings around in Sandra's house.

Of course she said she was here to support Sandra but Ally knew full well once she heard what Sandra had stashed in her cookie jar in the kitchen she was clearly here for the free drugs.

The truth was Ally enjoyed the company. Rach was busy with wedding stuff and Katie had been on call the past couple of days so they only really got to see each other briefly in the afternoons when Katie would come to check in on Sandra.

They hadn't mentioned their previous awkward encounter between them again after that day in bed, truth be told Ally was glad Katie didn't bring it up the next day over lunch.

Ally knew she overreacted but she didn't expect Katie to mention the word marriage again...not after everything they had been through the last 6 years. So having Tiff here to keep her mind occupied was actually a god send.

It meant she wasn't sitting here evening after evening pining for Katie or waiting for Sandra to deteriorate, nope Sandra was stubborn as always and although she was becoming more weak as they week went on she still had her usual sharp tongue.

She refused any more IV's Ally had set up for her, all she wanted now was her box of morphine to get her through the day.

"How long until those brownies are cooked" Ally asked as Tiff shrugged her shoulders relaxing back against the sofa she was clearly beyond caring as her freedom took over her body.

"Useless" Ally grumbled as she swayed slightly getting to her feet, she felt relaxed as she made her way into the kitchen and checking on the pot brownies.

The strong smell of pollen filled her nostrils as she left them out to cool. Ally smiled as she stared at the photo hanging over Sandra's dinning room table.

It had been taking a few years back in theatre with all the staff on Ally's last day working with Sandra, it made her smile. She knew her and Sandra had clashed at the best of times with Sandra nagging at Ally like an old mother but now that she reflected on their relationship she knew Sandra had always had Ally's best interest at heart.

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