Chapter 28

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Ally sighed as her eyes opened lazily, she noticed the early morning light peeping through her curtains as she glanced at the clock on the bedside locker.

Feeling a warm body snuggle further into her own she smiled as Katie placed soft kisses against her exposed back.

"Morning" Katie mumbled against Ally's neck causing her to moan slightly knowing exactly where Ally's weak spots were.

Gliding her hand that rested on Ally's stomach up she gave Ally's breast a light squeeze as Ally turned to back to face the Surgeon.

"Hi" Ally breathed out clearly effected by Katie's touch as her finger tips brushed over Katie's soft lips.

"What time is it" Katie questioned her lips playing against Ally's fingers, god those fingers that drove her insane for hours last night.

"Nearly 7" Ally replied biting her lip nervously, even though it was sunday she was hoping Katie didn't have to rush off to work.

Katie simply nodded as her hand remained over Ally's breast she let her lips drop to Ally's exposed shoulder.

"You need to sleep, you look tired" Katie mumbled against Ally's shoulder as Ally breathed out a content sigh.

Biting her lip as Katie's hand released her breast and teasingly ran down her stomach, sleeping was the last thing she needed. The wetness growing between her legs, she knew exactly what she needed.

"God" Ally groaned pressing her body firmly back against the mattress as Katie smirked allowing her body to hover over the flustered nurse.

"What's wrong babe, anything I can help you with" Katie questioned as her hand descended between Ally's legs she loved watching Ally bite her lip as she struggled to keep her moans to herself.

Pressing her thumb against Ally's wetness she knew exactly how to tease the nurse.

"Hmmmm something doesn't feel right" Katie said in a serious tone as Ally's lazily eyes shot open as they locked with the Surgeon's.

Ally felt a knot in her stomach, last night had been perfect since they got back from the hospital they couldn't get enough of each other.

Katie explored Ally, tasted her. She had craved her touch since friday. She knew they had a lot to sort out with one another but last night wasn't about fighting over Jane or Tiff.

It was about Katie and Ally, being with one another, showing each other exactly how much they wanted each other and cherished one another.

"What is it, what doesn't feel right" Ally's eyes furrowed as Katie's face remained blank.

Watching Ally gulp back her nerves Katie smirked as lifted up the sheet over her giving her more access to Ally's naked body.

"I need to have a look" Katie smirked as she placed a quick kiss on Ally's lips and slowly and teasingly descended Ally's aching body.

Ally's eyes widened as Katie's tongue brushed between her legs knowing full well Katie was only teasing her.

"Fucking hell" Ally moaned as her body arched to Katie's contact causing Katie to smile as began to listen to Ally's moans.


"What is it Sandra..anything" Ally asked as her hand connected with her ex boss's.

"Take me home" Sandra mumbled as Ally frowned

"What" Ally questioned sitting slightly on Sandra's bed.

"Please just take me home..I know I'm going to kick the bucket and this place is the last place I need to be" Sandra replied looking around at the plain white walls.

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