Chapter 36

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Hey guys so won't be able to update this until the weekend with work but thank you for your idea's on a new story will think about them all :)

Also a reminder that flashback is in Italiacs and I recommend you read back on Chapter 17's flashback because this is kind of the continuation of that flash back and the final flash back of Katie and Ally's marriage. Thanks for readings :)

"Here" Katie said softly as she handed Ally a tumbler with whisky to which her ex wife gladly accepted. Sipping out of her own glass she sat opposite Ally who's eyes remained fixated on the brownish burning liquid at the bottom of the glass.

Katie glanced over her shoulder down the hall way. Sandra's lifeless body was in the next room...she was dead...Katie was used to death.

Well as much as any person in her field of work could ever be used to someone dying. That's someone's child, mother, friend or lover she has to break news to when she tried all she can do to save a person after a car accident or freak accident or even in Sandra's case..cancer.

It never did get any easier but right now Katie felt numb, she could see the hurt Ally was going through and maybe now wasn't the best time but she needed answers.

She needed to know how Sandra passed away so suddenly and why when Katie checked the morphine supply it was now all gone when she had only given Ally a new prescription yesterday afternoon when Ally came to visit.

She could see Ally was grieving inside but there was something else going on in her head..something much deeper and Katie needed to find out what was going on.

"Al" Katie said but Ally eyes remained focused on her glass.

"Ally" Katie repeated impatiently as she reached for Ally's hand. Gripping it tightly Ally's eyes slowly locked with hers as Ally knocked back the remainder of the whiskey and releasing Katie's grip on her hand.

"I need to organise the funeral arrangements and let Sandra's brother know" Ally croaked as she stood up wiping her stinging eyes. Katie gulped as she watched Ally.

The last time she had seen Ally like this was when she asked her for a divorce. Ally could never cope with guilt well, it tore her apart until she would reach breaking point..She could see the exact same pain as that day back in Africa.


"Katie" Ally cried as she banged on against their bedroom door. Tonight has been the worst night of her life, she had drank far too much at the bar.

Her fight with Katie on the phone had made her so angry and stupid..she let Lynne touch her against her car.

Ally was confused and hurt along with the drink she let Lynne touch her, show her the attention she craved off Katie the past few weeks but she felt sick.

Despite snapping at her on the phone, Katie still came to the old navy bar...she came to pick her drunken wife up only to be met by her wife being fucked against her car by no one other than Lynne.

The famous red head bitch Lynne. Katie climbed out of her car as she watched Lynne looking very please with herself while a breathless Ally pushed the other surgeon off her.

The look of pure horror on Ally's face when she glanced over to see Katie stood watching them, Ally continuously apologised and made excuses as Katie approached them...ignoring her wife's pleads.

Katie stood in front of Lynne. A woman who had it all..a blossoming career in colorectal surgery, the flash car and big house...she crossed the line..she fucked Katie's right hook and Lynne was bent over gripping her bloody mouth as Ally's eyes widened in shock.

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