Chapter 7

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"Jesus Al slow down" Katie panted as she watched the brunette disappear further up the pier.

They had gone straight to sleep last night after exchanging rings again..Katie knew it was a bit awkward considering they weren't actually together but she wanted this weekend to just relax and let them enjoy them selves just let it be like old times, no dramas or fights.

Ally had been up at the crack of dawn, normally she was a bed hogger but when she woke up this morning with Katie's arm rested across her hip bone no way could she sleep..she laid there for an hour just trying to reduce her speeding heart beat.

She smiled to herself watching Katie sleep so peacefully beside her. Eventually stirring in her sleep Ally pretended to only wake as they each had a warm smile and Katie mumbled an apology taking her hand back to her chest.

Ally said she was going for a run and was more than surprised when Katie said she would come to..Katie was never into fitness even if she was a surgeon. She ate and drank what she wanted as she inherited her mothers slender figure.

Katie gasped as she finally caught up with Ally who stood in her leggings and oversized grey hoodie.

"Bloody hell" Katie mumbled as Ally glanced at her laughing how the American had picked up her lingo when they first got together, it always made her smile.

"God I actually missed this place" Ally hummed looking out at the wintery sun glistening against the calm water.

"You think you will move back" Katie asked as she looked out to the sea, Ally didn't reply she just shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not really home anymore" Ally eventually replied as she caught Katie's attention

"Then where is" Katie asked as Ally's brown eyes stared into her own. Ally shrugged her shoulders again, home was where her heart was Ally always thought growing up, sure she had a normal up bringing but she always felt something was missing.

She always knew that there was more to just drinking vodka from a coke bottle on the pier every Friday night with her best friends, there was more to just living in some 3 bedroom house around the corner from her mum and dad when she was older. She knew Brighton could never be her home and she finalised that decision when she moved to Gambia.

"So what do you want to do today" Ally asked as Katie frowned with the sudden subject change. Katie knew Ally was being closed up.Ally was always one to push for answers, before they split up she had pined for Katie telling her she loved her always and forever but not once since Katie had came to London had Ally opened up about her own feelings..both of them were as confused and closed up as each other.

"Whatever you like" Katie said as Ally smiled breaking eye contact and looking out to the calm sea once again...


"Allllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy" Amy squealed at her friend as the blonde girl pounced on the brunette when Ally and Katie entered Lacey's.

"Hiya babe" Ally squealed back as Katie's heart sank hearing the brunette saying babe, that was her word. Ally only called her babe, she knew she was overreacting. Ally and Amy were friends since they were 5 but it still made her body react subconsciously. The two women giggled as they hugged and kissed each other.

"Katie" Amy smiled sympathetically as she brought Katie to her chest giving her a warm hug. Katie knew Amy was the only one who knew about their split, she could sense Amy's heart felt hug was genuine.

They stood greeting each other as a few of Ally's old friends made an appearance. After a few minutes of chatting with the girls Katie felt a warm hand against her arm as Ally leaned forward.

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