Chapter 17

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Ahhhhh you guys 10,000 views on this story..I love you all so much for reading, it means a lot <3 I hope you continue to enjoy Ally and Katies story xxx

"Oh thank god" Ally sighed as she gripped Rach between her arms squeezing her tightly and hobbling her way into her flat.

"Well well I'm surprise you can walk" Rach chuckled as she closed the door and followed her flatmate towards the couch.

"I can't" Ally shot back chucking her crutches to the spare seat and she plonked her body on the couch.

"Is that from all the dirty sex you and Doc have been having" Rach raised an eye brow and threw her body next to her friends waiting to hear all the juicy gossip.

"Erm no...its because I broke my bloody foot" Ally huffed slapping her friends arm playfully.

"I'm sure you are making good use of that one bedroom luxurious apartment of hers" Rach teased

"If you call me being tucked into being every night by ten o' clock and her sleeping on the couch..good use, well then yeh Rach you are spot on" Ally replied dryly as she flicked the remote at the telly.

"Whaaaaat" Rach erupted into a fit of laughter as Ally's stern face glared at her friend.

"Are you done" Ally snapped flicking the telly off.  She was sick of the same crap being on this time of day.

"It's like the past month has being a blur and I'm one of her patients or something, I've been on house arrest and no sex, I mean can you imagine living with her, seeing how sexy she is first thing in the morning or when she comes out from a shower all hot and bothered..God I just want to hop on her and it hasn't even been a week" Ally groaned as her face flushed thinking about how sexually frustrated she was.

"Sheeeesh that's rough" Rach replied "Have you guys even talked about things, like are you together, not together"

"No, I don't want to push her but just when I feel like I'm getting somewhere with her it's like we go back to square one again..I know she hasnt forgiven me for the past" Ally replied

"Babe you need to talk things out with her...tell her how you need to know where you stand with her" Rach said as Ally nodded in agreement.

She knew her friend was right but how could she get it all out, dig up the past and try and sort through it. She knew no matter how nice and loving Katie was now to her that once they started sorting through things, her feelings would change and be dug up again.  Would Katie really be able to get past everything?

"I need a drink" Ally huffed as Rach eyes widened checking the time it wasn't even midday but who was she to refuse booze....

6 hours later...

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeehhhhhhh" Ally chanted over the loud music as she held her crutch in the air celebrating her victory of hitting her sixth pair of socks with her crutch in a row leaving Rach a sore loser.

"You cheated" Rach mumbled throwing the last pair of socks to the ground she was beginning to get the spins

"How" Ally said defensive as she balanced her cast in the air her body swaying from side to side as she dropped her crutch to the ground.

"I don't know but you did" Rach said after a moment deep in thought.

"Want to see something funny" Rach asked as Ally shook her head in excitement. Rach charged in her heels straight towards a drunken Ally who shouted Rach's name.

Rach stopped inches from the brunette who quickly swayed without her crutches and suddenly fell straight back against the wooden floor as Rach burst into a fit of drunken giggles.

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