Chapter 40 - Epilogue

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2 years later..

Christmas morning.

"Happy Christmas Doc" Rach smiled as she grasped the surgeon between her short arms and Katie gave the blonde a short hug back.

"How's your head" a chirpy Shel asked as she gave her friend a quick hug.

"Not too good" Katie mumbled as she made her way into the kitchen to flick the kettle on.

"Well  that's what you two get for getting pissed last better be hungry later for this turkey" Shel laughed as she gave her wife a cheeky  grin and opened Katie's fridge to start preparing christmas dinner.

This is the second Christmas Shel and Rach had came over on Christmas eve  and gotten drunk on egg nog and whisky and they would share the day  together.

Katie wasn't in the mood for celebrating it but Shel always  insisted Katie shouldn't be alone on the occasion. Katie was tempted to  work this year but with it being christmas there was no schedules surgeries until the new year so spending the day with her friends was  more appealing than catching up on paper work she could easily get done in a couple of hours next week.

Katie sighed as she reached for cups  asking the girls if they wanted a coffee..a short grunt from Rach  indicated she was up for it as she looked like she had been to hell and  back she sat at the table nursing her head.

"None  for me...I don't need anything to perk me up since I was in bed before midnight last night" Shel said as she chopped away at the veggies.

Shel always was the most optimistic one of them all...she never let anything bring her down and was always the rock out of the group of friends.

"So have you heard from Julia at all" Shel asked piling the vegetables in a neat pile on the chopping board.

"No"  Katie sighed stirring her coffee and clasping both cups as she sat  opposite a almost lifeless Rach. She knew Rach was feeling the pain of the day that was in it.

"No  doubt she will phone later to see how you are holding with out her least favourite child around you" Rach let slip hating how Julia always  treated Ally.

Katie's jaw clenched for a split moment as Shel gave her wife an evil glare. It was christmas there was no need on dwelling on the past.

As the day went on Katie and Rach curled up on the two large leather sofas in Katie's spacious living room, there eyes glued to some cheaply made soppy Christmas movie.

Neither of them were in the mood to lift their  heads to even make contact with one another which suited them both down to a T.

"Dinner's ready" Shel beamed popping her head from the kitchen for a second and  disappearing again.

After a few grunts and groans both girls struggled to move from their comfort and eventually made their way into the dinning room.

Katie's eye widened as she looked at all the food that was cooked to perfection laid out on the table.

The golden brown turkey  had actually made her stomach groan as she took her seat at the table.

As the three of them took a seat digging into the food, Katie sat as she  looked at the empty space opposite her.

Her heart sank as she looked  between the loving couple as they exchange loving glances at one  another..Katie felt a burden.

This was Shel and Rach's day to spend  together, themselves as a family but here Shel was slaving over Katie's kitchen all day for her to be a third wheel. This was the last year she  was going to be here with her two year she was going to let them be a family.

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