Chapter 4

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A/N : Hope it isn't confusing when I do flashbacks..basically anything in Italics is a flashback lol just wanted to clear that up!Hope you enjoy X

"I can't believe you invited her to dinner tomorrow" Ally huffed as threw herself back against the couch.

"I can't believe you were bloody married and you never told us" Rachel snapped as she glanced at her girlfriend for support.

"She seems nice" Shel smiled as she sat down drinking the remainder of her coffee

"She is" Ally sighed.

Katie was one of a kind and seeing her these last couple of days brought back all of Ally's feelings towards her wife. She missed her smile, those eyes. She still needed to keep a distance though, until she knew what Katie's intentions were in London.

So they agreed to well, they didn't really agree to anything. Katie wasn't going anywhere at the moment and they were going to try well at least be civil to each other. They would next see each other in work on Monday when Ally was next in that was until Shel tried to shove another cup of coffee into Katie and make her stay for brunch.

Katie politely declined as she said she had to drop by work for a few hours to check in on patients but not before Rach had persuaded Katie to come around for dinner tomorrow night. Katie had looked at Ally briefly before answering almost looking for permission while Ally coughed and agreed saying it was a good idea.

Was it heck a good idea, her wife hanging out with Rach and Shel. Not so much Shel was Ally worried about. It was Rachel who she feared, a few glasses of wine into that girl and she was unstoppable. This was going to be fine she tried to convince herself. She would have dinner, a couple of glasses of wine and then call Katie a taxi home, voilà. Ally placed a cushion over her head as she screamed out her frustrations.


Katie gripped the bottle of red wine as she stood in front of Ally's front door. Why did she feel so nervous, it was only dinner and it wasn't as if it was just her and Ally. Rachel and Shel would be there too. She liked them, Shel was sweet and certainly knew how to make a strong cup of coffee and Rachel, she could tell Rachel was like a short big sister for Ally.

They clearly had a close relationship but she liked Rachel's quirkiness. So here she was her stomach doing flips, she was glad Ally had taken her arrival better than she thought. Ally looked like she was back to her old self now. She had her amazing figure back and didn't appear to be getting trashed every night like she had been for her last couple of months in Gambia.

Then again she was now single and didn't have a nagging wife in her ear, it got Katie thinking was it her that brought out the worst in Ally. Were they one of those poisonous couples who were mad about each other but destroying everything around them. Katie would like to think not but she still felt skeptical about being back here, was she really making the right decision coming here and having Ally back in her life.

The Surgeon still wasn't sure how she felt about Ally anymore, she knew she didn't exactly hate Ally of course she didn't but she still felt hurt and betrayed by Ally. When it came to loving Ally her head was messed up.

Katie knew she wasn't in love with Ally right now but there was something still there buried deep down she knew the real Ally was buried deep down in the brunette who was on the other side of this white door, the door burst open in that second revealing two big hazel eyes and a grin as limbs leapt forward and yanked Katie inside.

"I was wondering where you where, I buzzed you in ages ago" Shel laughed as she took Katie's coat revealing her tight jeans and black and white striped top that clung to the right places. Katie had actually bought this top with her wife over a year ago but loved it so much she insisted on buying it in all the other colours this still being her favourite, she knew Ally would appreciate it.

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