Chapter 20

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It was 10 o' clock and Ally had already been to visit Sandra for an hour and just back from a 5 mile run. Making her way into her old flat she smirked at the state of the place the girls had left it in last night.

Ally began clearing the empty bottles and cans. She felt bad for bailing on Rach last night and her party but after spending an emotional afternoon with Sandra after finding out the one woman she respected the most in her line of work was going to be dead before Christmas, partying was the last thing she wanted to do.

She had dumped the half bottle of vodka next to her on the bed as she drifted off to sleep ignoring the music and laughter outside. She was still pissed at Katie, maybe Ally got riled up seeing Jane all over Katie in the kitchen and the fact Katie snogged her girlfriend where her ex was staying knowing Ally could walk into the kitchen at anytime.

Ok so Ally was really pissed at Katie but Katie kept Sandra's illness from her for over a year. So what if her and Katie hardly spoke everyday but they did email each other every now and then, especially with birthdays and Christmas.

Ally deserved to know the truth, maybe if Katie had told her sooner. Ally could have came back to visit, she hated seeing how frail and vulnerable the woman who used to boss her around and make her do her job efficiently. Ally knew she couldn't cure cancer but maybe she could have been there for Sandra..

"Morning" Rach groaned holding her head as she looked worse for wear

"Hey" Ally replied throwing the last of the empties into a black sack.

"How was last night" Ally asked as she began to collect the empty glasses and strolled into the kitchen.

"Good but it would have been better if my best friend was there" Rach yawned as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Babe I'm sorry I found out some shitty news that Sandra is dying and Katie knew and didn't say a word to me...Plus she was practically shagging Jane when I came in here last night" Ally sighed dramatically, running the hot water as squeezed some washing up liquid into the sink watching the bubbles appear.

"I was wondering what happened between you too, she seemed upset after your quick exit and left straight away" Rach replied casually as Ally bit her lip nervously knowing she was angry last night.

"I think we should stay away from each other" Ally said as her face winced looking at Rach's open mouth reaction

"It's for the best Rach...I'm here for you and Shel..I don't want things to be awkward and any way she's got Jane..I'm not going to be some needy ex wife" Ally sighed as she began cleaning the glasses.

"Ally" Rach huffed as she thought about her words she wanted to use, Ally loved how her friend would try her hardest not to be a blunt bitch but in the end she always ended up saying it how it was..

"You are being selfish" Rach said casually as she nodded at her own choice of words.

"I'm being selfish" Ally snapped. Now wasn't one of those times she loved Rach for her bluntness

"She's the one snogging the face off her blown up Barbie doll right there in front of me" she added as she suddenly felt better releasing her jealousy.

"You know Ally I love you dearly, really I do" Rach said as she held her hand across her heart "
But you are one fucked up girl you know that" she added as Ally frowned.

"You were the one who ran away, wanted her to move on a be happy and now you are acting like a jealous teenager because you are still in love with your ex wife and don't even think about fucking denying it Alison" Rach said as she held her finger up in protest.

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