Chapter 2

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"What" Ally replied ensuring her voice was low until she closed the locker room door once again behind her glaring at the dark haired girl.

"You're my wife Ally whether you like it or not" Katie repeated. She has gone mad Ally thought to herself as she paced the short distance between the door and some closed lockers, there was no way this was possible.

"You are crazy Katie" Ally mocked the other girl's madness.

"I signed those stupid papers before I left, I gave you what you wanted" Ally's snapped feeling her tears surface as the memories of her heart ache came flooding back. Why was Katie here to torment her after everything that had happened.

"Look now really is not the time to talk about this, We can discuss this over lunch" Katie said almost avoiding Ally's question. It was true, Ally had left Gambia all those months ago when she gave in to Katie's request. Sure Katie was angry and said things she now knows were in heat of the moment, deep down Katie never thought Ally would actually sign the divorce papers and when she did, Katie never actually went back to her lawyer. Not yet anyway..

"You have a lot of fucking explaining to do" Ally shot back as she sniffed back her emotions, wiping her eyes she knew if she didn't get to the first desk. Sandra would be on a war path hunting her down. She left the locker room without so much as a look in Katie's direction.


Ally knocked back the last of the whiskey in her glass as she stumbled to her feet. This was it, she was finally giving Katie what she wanted. The way her wife looked at her earlier that day in the hospital, the hatred in those bright blue eyes ripped her heart out.

3 months Ally had tried everything in her power to convince Katie she was the same sweet English girl Katie had fallen head over heels with nearly two years ago but here she was drunk as hell as she played loosely with her wedding ring between her fingers. Memories of the happiest day of her life made her nauseous or maybe it was just to 4 glasses of neat whiskey she had just devoured contemplating signing her life away.

She held her head in her hands as she glanced down at Katie's signature on her divorce papers. Katie had given them to her almost two months ago. Hearing the front door shut loudly her blurred vision glanced at her wife, soon to be ex wife now glared back at her.

Katie shook her head as she placed her keys in the bowl. The smell of booze entered her nostrils as soon as she walked in to the apartment. How long was this going to go on for, she was sick of night after night having to clean up the empty bottles of beer, whiskey or whatever Ally was in the mood for. 

"This needs to stop sooner or later Alison" Katie muttered as she walked passed the sitting room and straight in to the kitchen, flicking on the kettle. Katie leaned against the counter as she heard footsteps stumble in her direction, she already had a shit day in surgery losing one of her patients, she really was not in the mood for one of Ally's drunken speeches of how she was sorry and that they could make things work.

Katie watched as her frail wife stood at the door frame, worry washed over her as Ally's eyes fixated on the floor as she kept quiet, suddenly not appearing as drunk as she normally was these past couple of months. 

"Do you love me" Ally asked keeping her eyes firmly on the ground.

"Not again" Katie sighed holding her head in her hands, she had been asked this question a hundred times but had somehow managed to always end up in a screaming match with the brunette before she would even have to reply to her question. 

"Katie..I..I..just answer me please" Ally said calmly as she looked up her brown eyes pleading with Katie. There was no shouting or begging for forgiveness, just a plain and simple question she needed answered.

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