Chapter 26

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Tiff yawned as she scratched her messy hair away from her face walking towards her hotel room door.

"" Tiff's eyes widened as she stood awkwardly in her oversized yankee tshirt

"Is Ally here" Katie mumbled forcing herself to look at Tiff as her jaw clenched tightly.

"Is that brekkie I'm starving" Ally shouted from the bed as Katie gulped. Well that certainly answered her question and kicked her in the chest.

"Can you get her for me please" Katie asked quietly as her eyes focused away from the room she looked firmly down the hotel corridor, the ceiling, floor, anywhere except at the room knowing full well what happened last night in Tiff's room it made her stomach churn.

Tiff turned nervously as she stepped into her room and walked towards her bed as she noticed Ally lying comfortably watching the television.

"Katie's at the door" Tiff smiled nervously as Ally's eyes widened she quickly lifted she sheet over her bra.

"I don't want to talk to her" Ally mumbled quietly "tell her to go away" she mumbled.

"Nooooo" Tiff snapped quietly as she glanced at Katie who was now arms folded standing at her door.

"Fuck Tiff I can't talk to her right now" Ally snapped quietly glancing down her sheet covered body she felt embarrassed as Tiff rolled her eyes.

Clearing her throat Tiff made her way back to her door as Katie now forced herself to look at the older woman.

"Now is not the best time Katie..maybe later you could knock to her room" Tiff replied.

"I need to speak to her now..shut that door and tell her I'll wait right here until she comes out" Katie snapped as she took hold of the handle as Tiff stepped back watching Katie shut the door in her own face.

"Ally get dressed...."


Ally squealed as her body collided with the soft sheets beneath her as she soon found Tiff's eager lips on her own.

The older woman straddled her allowing her hands to slide under Ally's short dress.

"God you feel so fuckable" Tiff grumbled as she sat back slightly allowing her arms to forcefully push Ally's tight dress upwards as Ally pulled the material swiftly over her head.

She watched as Tiff's eyes darkened roaming up her body, normally Ally would feel excited and aroused by this.  Someone looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world but all Ally could think about was Katie.

How Ally felt like she had been punched in the stomach as she walked away from Katie outside the club only a short time ago, how she could see how much Katie was hurting while she begged Ally to give her a chance to talk but Ally shook all thoughts out of her head.

This was it, she needed to move on from her much as it killed her she needed to face the facts that she didn't belong in Katie's life anymore.

Ally sighed as her head rested back against the pillow as Tiff's soft lips kissed down her stomach, as she felt Tiff's tongue slid around her belly button stud. She knew if this was Katie she would have practically cum right now..she didn't feel anything..she needed to block out her thoughts, forget about Katie.

"Take off your top" Ally ordered leaning up on her elbows as she watched Tiff nod like a little puppy and quickly discard the tank top on the floor next to them.

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