Chapter 31

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"You are so tense" Ally said as her fingers pressed against Katie's hardened back.

"With someone as sexy as you on straddling me who wouldn't be" Katie replied as Ally laughed slapping the Surgeon playfully.

"Seriously you work too hard" Ally said as Katie shifted her body around keeping Ally straddling her hips she laid back against the mattress.

"I know" Katie sighed as her fingers traced underneath Ally's oversized hoodie.

"You won't be young forever you are going to have to slow down at some point" Ally said casually.

Although she hadn't been around her ex wife for 3 years she knew Katie was as hard working as ever.

"I have cut down a lot since Gambia though, I'll never get so caught up in something like that again...I lost the best thing I had because of it" Katie replied with such regret in her voice as Ally frowned her hands resting on Katie's neck.

"I love you" Ally said causing Katie to smile.

"I love you too Al and I know there's a lot more to life than just work" Katie smiled as she pulled Ally down beside her.

"Can we just lie like this for a while" Ally asked snuggling her body into Katie's as Katie's arm wrapped around her.

"When you say more to life than work, you are talking about having a hot fling with your ex Mrs are you" Ally teased as she played with the string of her own trackies Katie had borrowed.

"Fling" Katie scoffed

"No I'm talking about and me...I want us to have another go at this..I want us to be a family...have a family" Katie added as Ally looked up at her ex wife.

Katie's face remained serious...she wasn't joking. Sure they had talked about having a family when they we married years ago but a lot had happened since then, was Ally really ready to forget about her past and try make Katie happy again.


"I want one" Ally said as she tapped at the window, heart swelling at the bundle of cuteness on the other side of the window.

"No way" Katie dismissed her wife as she tugged Ally's hand away from the window.

"But Katie" Ally sulked as she reluctantly followed her wife.

"Ally you can barely look after yourself, no way are we getting a puppy" Katie laughed off her wife's eagerness for the ball off fluff in the pet shop.

"That's not true...I look after you don't I" Ally asked raising an eye brow at her wife who glanced back at her. Judging by Ally's flirtatious smile she knew she needed to answer this with caution.

"Sort of" Katie replied as Ally's face furrowed

"I mean yeh you make me happy but I don't think having the responsibility of a vulnerable young pup is what you need" Katie said as Ally's stopped in her tracks...shit..

"What do you mean what I need" Ally snapped.

"I mean...look babe you are someone who needs taking care of and I just so happen to like taking care of you so that's why we are meant to be..along with the hot sex and lovey dovey stuff you know I love you but I don't think a puppy is a good idea" Katie tried to explain.

Ally teeth gritted as she glared at her wife. Looking around the busy street she knew having a domestic in front of strangers wasn't her idea of how she wanted to spend her only day off for the next week.

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