Chapter 35

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"Ally yaaay you are here, Rach wasnt too sure if you could make it with..well...How is she" Shel asked sympathetically as she gripped Ally's elbow tightly.

Typical Shel she always cared about others and was a good friend, Rach was a lucky girl that Shel was willing to put up with her for the rest of her life.

"She' know" Ally frowned.

Sandra had begged Ally since she got back from Katie's office this afternoon to end her life.

Just plain and simple inject her with enough morphine until it sent into a coma and her organs one by one would shut down and finally her heart.

Ally was grateful when she checked her phone forgetting that tonight was the dress rehearsal for the wedding despite the fact Ally knew Jane was going to be here she needed out of the house.

Time to think was she willing to give Sandra what she wanted...a free pass to death while Ally had to live with the consequences...

"Ally....Ally...." Rach shook her friends as Ally gasped shaking her thoughts away.

"You ok babes" Rach asked concerned as she glared at Ally.

"Yeh sorry...I was miles away" Ally smiled and she coughed looking towards the kitchen of her old flat as she heard Jane's irritating laugh. Ugh maybe this wasn't where she wanted to be after all...

"Come on in..the girls are all in their dresses" Rach smiled as she tugged her friend by the elbow. Making her way into the kitchen the girls all whipped their heads around to greet her.

"Hi Alison" Jane smiled as she gripped onto Katie who gave Ally a loving smile.

"Come on babe your turn to show us how hot you look" Shel smiled as she took Ally by the hand and led her out towards her old room.

Ally needed to keep it together but she couldn't...she couldn't do evening with snotty remarks from Jane and small talk about the latest bimbo on the runway..a drink is what Ally needed..

Ally sighed as she plonked down on the bed holding the purple dress...she needed to suck it up and be happy tonight..this was Rach and Shel's big day in a week.

She needed to be a good friend and leave whatever else was going at the door. She heard the front door opening again followed by muffling voices as she stood up and began to get undressed..standing in her underwear the bedroom door burst open.

"Oh hello there sexy" Tiff's eyes widened as they circulated around Ally's body..

Ally looked over Tiff's shoulder seeing Rach roll her eyes along with Jane giggling and Katie stood uncomfortably as they were heading for the sofa.

"Shut the door Tiff" Ally shouted covering her bra and knickers not that it was much help. Tiff laughed as she gripped the door and shut it from the inside.

"Do you mind" Ally snapped reaching for the dress as Tiff shook her head

"Not at all...not at all" she smirked her eyes perving over Ally.

Ally couldn't help but let out a short laugh despite everything she was glad Tiff was here.

"Here let me help" Tiff said as she took half of the dress allowing Ally to slip it over her head.

"Thanks" Ally mumbled.

"I haven't heard from you in a couple of have you been" Tiff asked as Ally suddenly felt herself tear up.

"Heeeeey" Tiff hushed as Ally was full blown in tears now.

Tiff gripped Ally in her arms as she sat them on the edge of the bed..

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