Chapter 34

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"Hey babe I've missed you" Katie mumbled into Ally's highlighted locks as she leaned back against her desk holding Ally softly in her arms.

Ally sighed as she wrapped her arms around Katie. She needed Katie to just hold her, tell her everything was going to be ok, that Sandra was going to be ok, that they were going to be ok but she knew that wasn't going to be the case.

For months Ally pondered the idea of coming back to London for her best friends wedding and finally thinking it was a good idea but now here she was, her dear boss was giving up on the will to live another day in this cruel world and Ally was having an affair with her ex wife.

She sighed as she brought her head back to face Katie..she could see the love and worry in Katie's could Ally have been so stupid to leave in the first place..she loved Katie..more than anything else in this world...years that they could have still been married..

"I'm so sorry for everything Katie" Ally spoke softly as her finger tip now traced over the furrowed lines on Katie's forehead as she looked at the nurse in confusion.

"Sorry about what babe" Katie asked as she brought Ally between her legs holding her hips in place as Ally's saddened eyes looked into hers.

"For everything..ruining our marriage...running away to the other side of the world when I should have fought for us...I should have learnt to forgive myself and not run away...I could have been here for you..for Sandra when she was sick.."

"Hey stop" Katie snapped as she brought Ally as close as she could.

"You needed to go, you needed to sort whatever demons you had locked up inside love for you has never changed Alison..well maybe I love you that little bit more because I lost you but you came back and I appreciate your sexy body that much more now" Katie smirked as her eyes glanced down Ally's body.

"My point is I love you're back where you belong and you've been amazing being there for Sandra these past few weeks so stop being so hard on yourself ok" Katie said as Ally's face softened.

Ally knew she was feeling somewhat vulnerable these past few weeks but Katie was her rock. She couldn't bare to think of losing her again.

"I love you too" Ally sniffed as Katie brushed her thumb over Ally's damp cheek as she leaned forward taking Ally's lips against her own.

Ally's arms wrapped around Katie as she moaned feeling Katie's tongue brush forcefully against her own. She needed this, needed release from everything.

Gliding her hands down Katie's scrubs she lifted the hem of Katie's top swiftly over her head causing their lips to briefly break a part but in one swift move Katie had the nurse spun around on her desk as she attacked Ally's lips hungrily removing her own scrub pants first before reaching for Ally's leggings.

"God I want you to fuck me so badly" Ally moaned lying back against the papers on Katie's desk as Katie began to strip Ally's clothing one by one and discarding them onto the floor.

Ally's body jerked forward as she felt Katie's tongue against her navel piercing, she loved the feeling of Katie's tongue anywhere on her body but since she came back to London and Katie had found out about Ally's new piercing she knew Katie couldn't get enough of it which turned Ally on even more.

Katie smiled against Ally's hip bone as she nibbled against the skin lightly listening to Ally groan knowing full well Ally was beyond turned on, this wasn't going to take much for Ally to be screaming out her name while she fucked her.

Katie slid Ally's underwear swiftly down her thighs as she threw the thin material to the floor, pulling Ally's upper body to connect with her own.

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