Chapter 25

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"How was dinner" Ally asked dryly as she stood next to a startled Katie. Katie glanced around the bar and back to her ex wife.

"Babe" Katie sighed as Ally jaw clenched

"No Katie, you don't get to fucking babe me" Ally snapped trying her hardest to keep her cool.

"2 years today..really.." Ally snapped.

"You didn't think to tell me this afternoon" she added blushing slightly as she remember how Katie's touches and kisses made her feel.

Suddenly she could feel her temper flaring. Her eyes locked at the party everyone was sat around enjoying the hen party.

"Al I was going to tell you..." Katie mumbled reaching out to her ex wife who took a sudden step back.

"Don't" Ally warned.

"Let me just explain everything please" Katie choked as she pleaded with Ally.

"Do you remember how you would tell me you hated me and that you never wanted to see me again, how I ruined your life for cheating on you" Ally said trying her hardest to keep it together.

"I know I'm a slut for ruining our marriage...I'll hold my hands up to what I done" Ally continued as Katie's eyes furrowed.

"but you're pathetic..a hypocrite" Ally added in disgust.

"Ally stop...can we just go somewhere and talk about this" Katie mumbled knowing full well Ally had every right to be angry with her but she needed to talk to Ally, try explain how she was feeling.

"I bet you are really smug with yourself..bedding your ex wife while you waited for your perfect little blow up doll to arrive" Ally snapped as Katie looked nervously around the club.

"She's welcome to you" Ally added more calmly this time as she stood there looking defeated.

She was sick of the mind games..the hot and cold relationship she had with Katie.

"Ally you don't mean that" Katie replied her hand gripping Ally's elbow daring Ally to look her in the eyes and repeat her words.

"Let go, you wouldn't want anyone finding out your dirty little secret" Ally snapped shrugging out of Katie's grip.

Ally sighed as she looked around the bar..she knew Katie wasn't all to blame for this..she jumped into bed just as fast as Katie did...this was it whatever had happened definitely was over and done with. Ally's heart was already breaking all over again.

"I won't say anything to anyone about this" Ally said as she pointed between them with such regret in her voice causing Katie to frown.

"But in return you don't talk to me, don't even so much as look at me Katie" Ally warned trying her hardest to keep her emotions together.

"Ally I want you" Katie mumbled

"Don't" Ally warned "Don't you fucking dare say shit like that to me again"

"I meant what I said Katie, this is it" Ally said as she glared at Katie who was far from giving up on this. Katie was startled as she felt a hand snaked across her back.

"Ladies" Jane said sarcastically as she draped her body off Katie like a prostitute in a brothel as Ally rolled her eyes.

Katie eyes remained on Ally who was blatantly ignoring her, her heart ached. She he wanted Ally..needed her but she knew knowing Ally and her stubborn ways she wasn't going to get a chance.

A chance to tell Ally how much she ached for much despite being in a relationship with Jane for 2 years. The past 3 days was the most alive she ever felt since before Ally left for Oz 3 years ago.

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