Chapter 19

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"Was that really necessary" Ally grumbled as she entered swiftly behind Rach as they entered her old apartment dumping Ally's cases near Ally's old bedroom.

"I didn't know..she just showed up outside the flat when Katie was suppose to collect us" Rach replied "relax babe I'll get rid of them soon" she added quietly hearing foot steps and voices coming towards the flat.

"So is it good to be back" Shel chirped as she was followed by Katie and Jane into the flat.

"Ask me this time tomorrow" Ally laughed off how much she wished she was back in Melbourne doing anything besides standing here like a loser.

"" Rach interrupted.

"Tea for me baby" Shel hummed as she walked towards her fiancée grabbing some cups.

"Yeh same, what about you sweetie" Jane asked as her arm snaked around Katie's waist.

"Nah I'm good" Katie cleared her throat still avoiding any form of eye contact with anyone. So this is what Ally wished for all along, for Katie to be happy but seeing it with her own eyes hurt like a bitch.

"You know what guys I'm pooped so if you don't mind I'm just going to hit the hay" Ally mumbled as she wheeled one of her bags into her old room.

"Thanks for the lift and it was really nice to meet you Jane" Ally smiled weakly as she stood by her door having wheeled her second case by her side.

She would love to just hop on the bitch and pull every strand of her platinum blonde hair from her scalp. So it was a bit extreme but Jesus who turns up to meet their girlfriends ex wife at the airport.

Ally felt sick to her stomach..listening to them all chatting and laughing after she got picked up..she felt like an outsider. She had caught Katie staring a couple of times through the rear view mirror as she drove them back to Rach's flat.

She needed to go to bed and bury herself in her duvet, feel sorry for herself and hope the next month would just fly by so she could fly the fuck out of here.

"You too Alison, we will be seeing plenty more of each other I'm sure since I'm part of the bridal party" Jane grinned widely keeping her protective arm tightly around Katie who smiled nervously in agreement.

Jane...bridal party...Ally needed to remind herself to kill Rach tomorrow keeping this shit from her. She knew Jane was an old friend of Shel's but bridal party,really. Could this get any worse..

"Great" Ally smiled

"Good night" she added as she quickly disappeared behind the bedroom door not even waiting for a response from any of the girls.

Falling on her bed as her head hit the pillow, she felt nauseous. Nauseous how amazing Katie looked, nauseous how hot Jane was. Nauseous how nice Jane seemed and nauseous to how much time she was going to have to spend with Jane and Katie..


"Wakey wakey Ally baby" Rach hummed as she dusted her toe against Ally's nose, Ally shifted in her sleep as she scratched her nose. A musty smell caused her to groan as her eyes flickered open.

"Ewwwww" Ally grumbled as she pushed Rach's foot away from her.

"You really need to learn to wash your feet properly" she added as she pulled her duvet over head.

"I see you are still a crank in the morning" Rach teased as she lifted the duvet from Ally's grip and slid in next to her friend.

"About last night.." Rach started off

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