Chapter 24

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"Oh my god....fuck" Katie whimpered as her body arched feeling her orgasm ripple through her body. She moaned as Ally's tongue brushed lightly over her clit causing her to shudder further as her hands became lost in Ally's messy hair.

Ally placed lingering kisses on Katie's spread thighs as she listened to the surgeon hum as she came down from her high.

"Fuck Al" Katie groaned beckoning Ally to come from under the sheets as Ally's lips kissed her way back up Katie's slender body.

"That was amazing" Katie gasped as her hands brought Ally's eager lips to her own. Katie moaned as she tasted herself off of Ally's tongue as Ally's naked body pressed against hers.

It was 3 o' clock in the afternoon in Manchester. Ally and Katie had been in bed for the past hour and a half.

Luckily Rach had decided she wanted to go to the spa as soon as they arrived at the hotel, with some lesbians agreeing.

Others including Ally and Katie had disagreed saying they were just going to chill in their hotel rooms or look around the shops which meant they had all agreed to meet at four o'clock down at reception for the beginning of a messy weekend.

Ally sat in her room all of 5 minutes painting her nails as an eager knock to her door. As she opened the door, low and behold Katie pushed Ally back against the wall their lips immediately crashed against one anthers.

Stripped within a minute, Ally was flat against the mattress as Katie's mouth roamed her body...

Katie sighed in contently as Ally placed a sweet kiss against Katie's collar bone as their bodies tangled together.

"I wish we could stay like this" Ally hummed as her fingers traced circles over Katie's hip bone.

"I know" Katie agreed placing a kiss against Ally's hair.

"I've missed you so much Al..just being with you" Katie said as Ally smiled her eyes looking into Katie's as her head remained resting on Katie's shoulder.

"It's like I have been lying dormant the past few years and now all of a sudden I feel alive again..I feel complete...does that make sense" Katie rambled as her fingers trailed up and down Ally's arm.

"I know" Ally sighed.

"I wish I stayed in contact with you more.."Ally added as Katie's eyes locked with hers

"I feel like such a shit for just forgetting about my life here but I thought if I moved away started could move on and so could I...but..."

"Hey its ok" Katie ushered as her lips brushed against Ally's fore head "the thing with Jane.."

"Lets not" Ally interrupted.

"As much as I don't really like the girl..this isn't right" Ally sighed as fingers now traced over Katie's protruding collar bone.

"I know" Katie mumbled taking a deep breath as Ally reached under the covers for her underwear quickly putting them on.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Ally mumbled as she walked straight into the bathroom, shutting the door she breathed out.

She felt guilt wash over her, she knew how her drunken mistake with Lynne had torn Katie apart. It had torn her own life apart and here she was sleeping with her ex wife behind Katie's girlfriend's back.

Katie had moved on, met someone and suddenly Ally felt like a home wrecker again. Letting the hot water trickle down her naked skin she let her tears fall.

How could something so precious she shared with Katie this afternoon make her feel so cheap and wrong. Her emotions were torn and she didn't know what she was going to do.

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