Chapter 21

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"Hiya gorgeous" Ally cooed as she removed her nephews straps of his buggy as his tiny legs wrapped around her waist.

"Hiya" he smiled his new favourite word of the week. Slowly but surely he was picking up mama and dada but his over use of hiya was by far the cutest.

"Are you sure you are up for this" Denny asked as she placed the Luke's baby bag on the couch.

"Of course, he's family after all...aren't you handsome" Ally murmured softly to the dark haired baby who mumbled jibberish holding onto his aunties necklace firmly.

"Ok well I've got my phone and Pete's got his so ring if there's anything" Denny warned as Ally rolled her eyes waving her away with Luke's little hand.

"Bye bye mama" Ally said ushering her little sister out of the flat

"Go enjoy yourself and don't worry Lukey will look after me" Ally smiled swaying her hip as the little boy squealed clapping his hands together squealing hiya once again.

"Thank you I owe you one" Denny smiled placing a loving kiss on her son's head and kissing her older sister's cheek.

"Bye and tell Pete he better behave himself or I'll kidnap him on my harley" Ally teased as her sister chuckled and walked down the hallway waving as she descended the stairs.

Ally had been back a little over a week. Having met Luke and Pete for the first time a few days ago, Ally couldn't keep away from her little nephew. Denny had met Pete on a girls weekend to London and 9 months later out came Luke who was almost 2 and the cutest little boy in the world.

With Dennys dark hair and Pete's blue eyes he really was adorable and Ally insisted on taking him for the night so Pete could bring Denny out for a decent night out. Although Pete had told Ally he expected her to be less feminine and to ride motorbikes Ally soon laughed it off and they actually got on well with one another.

Truth was Ally was only delighted to offer to take Luke for the night since it meant she had a valid excuse of not going out tonight. She had worked her first shift last night in Ruby's and well things started out fun had ended sour and with Ally waking up with the worst hangover ever however Tiff was only happy to offer her more shifts whenever it suited Ally judging by her text this morning.

Drink and Katie apparently don't mix well with Ally anymore so she was only glad to be sat in tonight minding her nephew while everyone else was out enjoying themselves. It annoyed her how much of a socialite Katie now was.

She was now going to bars any night of the week, she never done that when they were married..unless they had some event to attend to or they were going out for dinner.

Ally and Katie pretty much spent their nights at home in front of the telly but who was Ally to judge she was merely just her ex wife. Rach and Shel were taking their wedding celebration to a whole new level..they had been out most nights since Ally was back meeting up with different friends before the wedding and it was still 3 weeks until their wedding day.

Ally knew by the time she was ready to leave again she was in dire need of a detox from all the drinking.

A loud knock to the door startled Ally as Luke bounced on her knee,wearing a white tank top and baggy trackies she definitely wasn't expecting any visitors.

"Let's see who's at the door little man" Ally chirped kissing Luke's head as she carried him to the front door.

"Well well hello there sexy" Tiff said in a low seductive voice as she leaned against the door frame holding some flowers and wine as Ally smirked.

"Oh I didn't know you had company" Tiff shot up almost afraid of the little guy who sucked his fingers as he gazed at her inked arms.

"Tiff hey what are you doing here" Ally smiled as she stepped back beckoning the older woman to enter the flat.

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